Microsoft Imagine Premium for Student and Lecturer

Microsoft Imagine Premium for Education

Microsoft Imagine is a Microsoft program to provide students with software design and development tools free of cost. The program is available for university/college and K-12 students in more than 120 countries. To register, students must visit the Microsoft Imagine website and verify their identity through their verified .EDU institution. If an institution is not listed on the available list, the user may manually verify their student status by uploading a proof such as an ID card.

The concept of Microsoft Imagine project is" Bring you idea to life". Here, find out how student developers can join Microsoft Imagine, and elevate their skills with developer tools and resources.

For the student and lecturer, both school and university, if your institute has cooperation and collaboration with Microsoft, the current members can now download and use plenty of Microsoft's products through the Microsoft Imagine Premium. Registration comes with a few steps which is very easy for those of you.

Learn more what Microsoft Imagine

Example of free software, utilities, and applications.

✔️ Windows 10 - With Microsoft Imagine Premium, say goodbye to your crack and illegal licensed Windows.

✔️ Microsoft Office 365 - Fully installed premium versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook with exclusive, new features every month

✔️ Azure for Students - Cloud computing services and database for data analysis and computational calculation with $100 Credit offers.

✔️ OneDrive - A large cloud storage maintained by Microsoft. You can obtain the maximum space up to 5TB.

Steps to Register Microsoft Imagine Account

Since I am currently studying a master degree in chemistry at Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, the following instructions is step-by-step showing you how to register Microsoft Imagine account and acquire its product for student at my institute.

Step 1. Register your Microsoft Imagine account.

For example, my institute, Thammasat University, I went to and create MSDNAA account. Waiting a confirmation e-mail from admin of your institute for 1-2 working days.

Step 2. Go to

Search your academic institution. For example, "Thammasat University Computer Science"

Step 3. Click "Visit the webstore."

Step 4. Sign in Microsoft Imagine with username (Student ID) and password that you registered.

Step 5. Read Microsoft policy statement and accept.

Step 6. Browse and download software that you want.

More details can be found on

Rangsiman Ketkaew