Literature summary


Underwater vehicle:


Stochastic system theroy


1.马颂德,张正友,“计算机视觉——计算理论与算法基础” 第四章,科学技术出版社,2003


3.Zhengyou Zhang, “Flexible Camera Calibration By Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientation”,


5.Roger Y.TSAI and Reimar K. Lens “A new technology for fully autonomous and efficient 3D robotics hand/eye calibration”


7. E.Crocker and L.Rabins, “Applications of Kalman filtering techniques to strap-down system initial alignment, Theory and application on Kalman filters, E.M Nebot and C.T.Leons(Editors), University of California Press, Bereley,1970

8. R.Rogers, “Weapon IMU transfer alignment using aircraft position from actual flight tests”, IEEE Position Location and Navigation Symposium, 1996,pp 328-333.

9. Thierry VIEVELLE Olivier D. Faugeras, “Computation of Inertial Information on a Robot” Fifth International Symposium on Robotics Research, pp 57-65, MIT press, 1989

10.Eduardo Nebot and Hugh Durrant-Whyte, “Initial Calibration and Alignment of Low-cost Inetial Navigation Units for Land Vehicle Applications” Journal of Robotic Systems 16(2),81-92(1999)

11 Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, “Design and Performance Analysis of a Low-Cost Aided Dead Reckoning Navigator”, PhD Thsis, Standford University, 2004

12. Sukkarieh, S., Nebot, E.M. and Durrant-Whyte, H.F., A high integrity IMU GPS navigation loop for autonomous land vehicles applications. IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom. v15 i3. 572-578.

13 S. Sukkarieh, “Low cost, high integrity, aided inertial navigation systems for autonomous land vehicles”, PhD Thesis, Australian Center for Fields Robotics, University of Sydney, 2000.

14 Louis L. Whitcomb, Dana R. Yoerger, and Hanumant Singh, “Comined Doppler/LBL Based Navigation of Underwater Vehicle” 11th International Symposium on Unmmaned Untethered Submersible Technology(UUST99), Aug, 22-25, 1999

15. 邢志伟,封锡盛, “基于超短基线/多普勒的水下机器人位置估计”, 机器人,2003.5

16. Li Qihu, Cai Huizhi, Sun Zeng, Sun Changyu, “Application of Adaptive Filter Technique in distance measurement of a passive sonar” IEEE.

17. Hayato Kondo, Tamaki Ura “Navigation of an AUV for investigation of underwater structures” Control Engineering Practice, 12(2004) 1551-1559

18. Andeas, Huster and Stephen M.Rock “Relative Position Sensing by Fusing Monocular Vision and Inertial Rate Sensors” Coimbra, Portugal, June ICRA 2003,

19. Qiang Li, Qifeng Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, “Research on Dynamic Simulation of Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems” MTS/IEEE Oceans 2008

20.Qiang Li, Qifeng Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, “ Underwater Vehicle Motion Parameter Estimation Experiment Based on Low Cost Camera and Inertial Measurement Unit” ISOPE2009

21.Faraz M. Mirzaei and Stergios I. Roumeliotis “A Kalman Filter-based Algorithm for IMU-Camera Calibration” IEEE/RSJ IROS 2007 San Diego.


23 . Jorge Lobo and Jorge Dias, "Relative Pose Calibration Between Visual and Inertial Sensors", Proceedings of the ICRA 2005 Workshop on Integration of Vision and Inertial Sensors - 2nd InerVis, Barcelona, Spain, April 18, 2005

24. Jorge Lobo and Jorge Dias, "Relative Pose Calibration Between Visual and Inertial Sensors", International Journal of Robotics Research, June 2007, Volume 26, No. 6.

25. N.J.Gordon, D.J. Salmond and C.M.Ewin “Bayesian State Estimation for Tracking and Guidance Using the Bootstrap Filter” AIAA-93-3701-CP

26. R.E. Kalman “A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problem” ASME, 1960

27. Jazwinski A.H “Stochastic Processes and filtering theory” New York: Academic 1970

28. P.S. Mayback, “Stochastic Models, Estimation, and Control” New York: Academic 1982.

29. A.P.赛奇, J.L.梅尔萨 “估计理论及其在通讯与控制中的应用” 科学出版社, 1978

30Alspach, D.L., “A Bayesian Approximation Technique for Estimation and Control of Time Discrete Stochastic Systems” Ph.D. Dissertation, Universit of Califomia San Diego, 1970.

31Alspach, D. and H. Sorenson, "Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation Using Gaussian Sum Approximations," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 17 ,No. 4 , pp. 439 -448, Aug., 1972.

32. K.A.Kramer and Stephen C. Stubberud “An adaptive Gaussian Sum Approach for Maneuver Tracking” IEEE International Conference on Communication 2005

33. Kramer S.C and Sorenson H.W. “Recursive Bayesian estimation using piece-wise constant approximation” Automatic,24,6 789-809

34.Kittagawa G. “Non-Gaussian state-space modeling of non-stionary time series(with discussion)” J.Amer. Statistical. Assoc. 82,1032-1063

35. S.J.Julier, J.K.Uhlmann “A General Method for Approximating Nonlinear Transformation of Probability Distribution” 1994 August

36. S.J.Julier, J.K.Uhlmann, and H.F.Durrant-Whyte, “A new approach for filtering nonlinear systems” in Proc. Am. Conf Seattle,WA,1995,pp1628-1632

37. Simon J. Jeffrey U. and Hugh F.D. “A new method for the nonlinear transformation of means and covariances in filters and estimators” IEEE Transaction on Automatic control Vol 45, No.3 2000

38. Simon Julier Jefferey K. Uhilmann “Unscented Filtering and Nonlinear Estimation” Invited paper, Proceedings of IEEE Vol.92 No.3 2004

39. Magnus Nphirgaard, Niels K.Poulsen and Ole Ravn “New developments in state estimation for nonlinear systems” Automatic 36(2000)1627-1638

40. Rudolph van der merwe and Eric A. Wan “Sigma-Point kalman filters for integrated navigation”

41. Arnaud D., Simon G. and Christophe A. “On sequential monte carlo sampling methods for baysian filtering”, static and computing (2000) 10 197-208

42 Akashi H. Kumamoto H. “Construction of discrete-time nonlinear filter by monte carlo methods with variance-reducing techniques”. Systems and control 19:211-221, 1975(in Japanese)

43.Kitagawa G. and Gersch G. “Non-gaussian state-space modeling of non staionary time series” Journal of the American Statistical Association 82:1032-1063, 1987

44.Arnaud D. Naudo de F. and Nei G “An introduction to sequential monte carlo methods”

45 Roudolph Vander merwe Arnaud D. Nando de Freitas Eric Wan “The unscented particle filter”, technical report CUED/F-INFENG/TR30 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ENGINNEERING DEPARTMENT

46 Jayesh H.K. and Petar M.D. “Gaussian Sum Praticle Filtering”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 51, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2003

47. Braian S. and K.C.Chang “Comparison of Nonlinear Estimation for Ballistic Missle Tracking” Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion and Target Recognition XII Ivan Kadar Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol5096 (2003)

48. J.L.Peralta-Cabezas, M.Torres-Torriti and M.Guarini-Hermann “A comparison of Bayesian prediction techniques for mobile robot trajectory tracking” Robotica, Cambridge University Press.

49. Peter Cork, Jorge Lobo and Jorge Dias “An introduction to Inertial and Visual Sensing” the International Journal of Robotics Research Vol26, No26, 2007


51. Lobo J “Inertial Sensor Data Integration in Computer Vision Systems” Master thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal 2002


53. Hartley R. and Zisserman A. “Multiple view geometry in computer vision” 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, 2004

54. Triggs B. Mclauchlan P. etc “Bundle adjustment- A modern sythesis” In Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice (eds W.Triggs, A. Zisserman and R.Szeliski,) pp298-375, LNCS, Springer,2000

55. Peter G., Peter E. and Markus V. “Simultaneous Motion and Structure Estimation by Fusion of Inertial and Vision Data” the International Journal of Robotics Research vol 26, No 6 2007 pp591-605.

56. Smith, R.C.; Cheeseman, P. (1986). "On the Representation and Estimation of Spatial Uncertainty". The International Journal of Robotics Research 5 (4): 56-68.

57.Smith, R.C.; Self, M.;Cheeseman, P. (1986). "Estimating Uncertain Spatial Relationships in Robotics" in UAI '86. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: 435-461, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA: Elsevier. 58. Leonard, J.J.; Durrant-whyte, H.F. (1991). "Simultaneous map building and localization for an autonomous mobilerobot". Intelligent Robots and Systems' 91.'Intelligence for Mechanical Systems, Proceedings IROS'91. IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on: 1442–1447.,

59. Durrant-Whyte, H.; Bailey, T. (2006). "Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM): Part I The Essential Algorithms". Robotics and Automation Magazine 13: 99–110.


61. Andrew J.Davision, Ian D. Reid Nicholas D.Molton and Olivier Stasse “MonoSLAM: Real-Time Single Camera SLAM”, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligent vol29 No6 2007

62. Jack W. Langelaan, “State Estimation for Autonomous Flight in Cluttered Environments, Part I: Theory and Simulation”, submitted for publication,Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics

63. Jack W. Langelaan, “State Estimation for Autonomous Flight in Cluttered Environments, Part II: Performance and Hardware Proof of Concept”, submitted for publication, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics

64. Stansfield,R.G “Statistical theory of DF fixing” Journal of the IEE,14,15 1947 pp.762-770

65. Nardone S.C. Lindgren A.G. “Fundamental properties and performance of conventional bearings-only targetmotion analysis” IEEE Transactions on Automatic control Ac-29 1984 pp775-787.

66. N.J. Gordon, Bayesian methods for tracking, PhD Thesis, Imperial College, University of. London, 1994

67. Yaakov Oshman and Pavel Davidson “Optimization of observer traectories for bearings-only target localization” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and electronic systems Vol35 No 3 1999

68. J.P.Le Cadre and C.Jauffret “Discrete-Time observability and estimablity analysis for bearings-only target motion analysis”

69. 李强, “博士论文开题报告”,中科院沈阳自动化研究所,2008.6

70. Giacomo Marani, Song K.Choi and JunKu Yuh“Underwater autonomous manipulation for intervention missions AUVs”, IEEE Ocean Engineering 2008

71 Evans, J., Redmond, P., Plakas, C., Hamilton, K., Lane, D., 2003. Autonomous docking for

Intervention-AUVs using sonar and video-based real-time 3D pose estimation. In: Oceans 2003. Proceedings, 22–26 September, vol. 4, pp. 2201–2210.

72. Huster “Relative Position Sensing by Fusing Monocular Vision and Inertial Rate Sensors”, Standford University,2003

73. Tsai, R.Y(1987) A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lens. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation RA-3(4): 323-344.

74 Slama,C.C(1980) Manual of Photogrammetry, 4th ed. American Society of Photogrammetry, Falls Church, Virginia

75 Abdel-Aziz, Y,I. & Karara, H.M (1971) Direct linear transformation into object space coordinates in close-range photogrammetry. Symposium on Close-Range Photogrammetry, Urbana, Illinois, p1-18.

76 Melen, T(1994) Geometrical modeling and calibration of video cameras for underwater navigation. Dr ing thesis Norges tekniske hogskole, Institute for teknsk kybernetikk

77 Heikkila,J. & Silven,O. (1996) Calibration procedure for short focal length off-the-shelf CCD cameras. Proc.13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vienna, Australia,p166-170

78 Walter Stockwell, “Bias Stability Measurement: Allan Variance”, Crossbow Technology Inc.

79. Qiang Li “MTi Test Report V2.0” Underwater Robot Research Center, SIA,CAS, 2008.9

80. Qiang Li “MTi Test Report V1.0” Underwater Robot Research Center, SIA,CAS, 2008.8

81. Qiang Li Qifeng Zhang Xiaohui Wang “Reseach on nolinear filtering approaches based on kalman framework for underwater robot trajectory tracking and a static target’s localization” Internal Report in SIA, 2008.5

82. Roumeliotis S.I A.E. and Montgomeery J.F, “Augmenting Inertial Navigation with Image with Image-Based Motion Estimation” ICRA,2002 Washington.

83.Lobl, J and Dias J “Integration of Inertial Information with Vision”, IEEE Industry Electrinics Society Aachen Germany 1998

84. Kim J. Sukkarieh,S. “Autonomous Airborne Navigation in Unknown Environment” IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems Vol 40 No3 July 2004 pp1031-1045

85Willims S.B Dissanayake G. and Durrant-Whyte, “Field Deployment of the Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping Algorithm ” 15th IFAC World Congress on Autonomous Control Spain 2002.

86 Thrun, S. Burgard, W. and Fox, D. “A Real-Time Algorithm for Mobile Robot Mapping with Application to Multiple Robot and 3D Mapping” IEEE ICRA 2000

87. Liu,Y. , Thrun, S. “Results for Outdoor-SLAM using Sparse Extended Information Filters” IEEE,ICRA2003