Lays Potato Chips

Currently, Lays Potato Chips is having a contest to "Create the Lays Next Great Flavour" with a Grand Prize of $50,000 and $5,000 for each of the four finalists. The contest closes April 15th.

** Best Flavour/Package as voted on by the teachers will also win a prize **

***Download the grey chip bag from the attachments below***

Your task is to create a new flavour of chips and design the bag for said flavour. Here is an example I made:

To accomplish this, you will have to learn a few new skills including:

1 - Learn how to change the colour of an object. This is important so you can change your bag colour and chip colour.

2 - Learn how to outline an object. This is important so you can outline text and draw attention to it.

I started with an existing bag of Sea Salt and Pepper Chips and made the following changes:

Do not download this bag

~ The file you need can be found below, greyChipTemplate.jpg ~

- changed the bag colour to pink to match the Cotton Candy theme (use the template file in the attachments)

- outlined the Lays logo in pink

- added the name using an appropriate font and outlined it

- added the Cotton Candy picture with a white circular gradient around it

- changed the chips coming off the potato to pink