Day 2/3 - Commercial Ads

Turn on the TV and it's pretty hard to miss the latest and greatest product right before your eyes. I read that television networks carrying the Super Bowl charge on average $3.4 million for one 30-second ad during the Super Bowl. With over 100 million potential customers watching, perhaps it's worth it???

Today you are going to investigate what makes a good commerical.

1. Spend 20 minutes searching for a commercial that you think is great. It must be appropriate for school (no racism, swearing, or otherwise) this should be a "real" tv commerical that actually plays on TV, not something randomly made up for the Internet or a spoof.

Here are a few websites with commercials:

2. Complete the Commerical Ad Analysis Sheet (found below, click on the down arrow on the right, then Save the file) for your choosen commercial. DON'T SHARE THE COMMERCIAL WITH THE CLASS

3. In a group of three, watch everyone's commerical. As a group, decide which commercial you like best. DON'T SHARE THE COMMERCIAL WITH THE CLASS

4. Download the commerical you choose using this website Copy the url of the video (usually from youTube) and then click the grey Download button. Click "Run" when it asks about running the application. Finally, click on

>> Download MP4 << and save it to your computer.

4. Complete the Powerpoint Template (found below) your group will be presenting this to the class tomorrow.