Fake Town

In preparation for hosting the G8 Summit this year. The Village of Belcoo in Northern Ireland is "trying" to make itself look like a happin' place with lots of shops and businesses. For a few days, media from around the world will be focused on this town and they have taken extreme measures to look like a quaint little town that is hustling and bustling. So ... what did they do???

They made giant stickers that fit exactly into vacant store windows to make them look like they are busy and thriving. Here are two examples, remember these are fake stickers.

Here's a related article http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/05/28/northern_ireland_town_turns_into_virtual_potemkin_village_ahead_of_g8.html

Your task. Use Google Streetview and find a vacant business in Wiarton or Owen Sound. Create a fake (appropriate for school) store that fits the space.