
External Roles

Visiting Professor

Staffordshire University (August 2021 - date)

British Psychological Society

BPS Division of Health Psychology Chair (Sep 2015 - Sep 2017)

BPS Division of Health Psychology Honorary Secretary (Sep 2004-Sep2007)

External Examining (Courses)

University of Bournemouth (2021 - 2025)

University of Leeds (2019 - 2023)

University of Stirling (2018 - 2023)

London Metropolitan University (2004-2006)

Stoke Psychology in the Pub

I set up and ran Stoke Psychology in the Pub (2014-2019).

Job History

Aug 2021 - date: Senior Lecturer, University of Chichester

2014-2021: Professor of Health Psychology, Staffordshire University

2002-2014: Senior Lecturer, University of Bath

1999-2002: Research Fellow, University of Oxford

1996-1999: Lecturer, University of Surrey

1995-1996: Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire