Un-academic stuff

Here's where you get to see some of the things I like do and places I like to go when I'm off-duty.

I used to be a 'walker-of-hills', but now I am more of a 'gazer-at-the-sea' person. I also love to curl up with a good book from in my opinion, the bestest bookshop ever:  Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights. 

When I accidentally invented the Timble Tumbles, I began to write stories (11 so far) about them for my youngest niece and nephews.

During the pandemic I took up sewing and kept a daily sewing diary - named 'The Rodderstries' . Sewing (even sewing badly like I do) is a good stress buster. You can see some of my makings by clicking on the link below if you are interested.

I am also embracing cat-lady status, having inherited my Dad's elderly cats in 2016.

Timble Tumbles "Adventure" Pics Pusscats Rodderstries     Confidence Cape