
15th March 2020 to 14th March 2021.

I started doing little 'sewings' to capture something from each day, as a way to both mark the end of my working-at-home-day and to do something that required a different kind of concentration. Something that needed me to be 'in-the-flow'. A way of quieting the 'what ifs' that come when you live through a pandemic. I posted them on Twitter, and they seemed to resonate. I thought I might just do 100 days but found myself carrying on. The thing with a pandemic is that there is no clear end-point. It will not suddenly be over but will be something we learn to live alongside. So I have decided to stop when I complete a full year of the Rodderstries. Rather wonderfully, the local paper ran a little story on the Rodderstries.

Rodderstries: A combination of the name everyone calls me: 'Rodders' and the word 'tries'.

Rodderstries: A form of tapestry - Rodders tries to make a tapestry = Rodderstries.

Pronounced: Rodders-Trees

During Lockdown I kept a sewing diary, subsequently called 'The Lockdown Rodderstries'

The Psychologist did a piece on my Rodderstries

The first 100 days has been published here

The second 100 days has been published here

The third 100 days has been published here

The last 65 days has been published here

I started to make bigger Rodderstries!

This is my Lockdown Rodderstry - each 'stained felt window' tells a tale.

And then did 'portraits'