
When I was growing up there were always dogs and cats at home, but once I left, I neither had, nor wanted pets of my own. That remained so until 2016, when Dad died and I took in his cats. No-one else in the family could take them and given that I have 'rescue tendencies' I decided I would bring them home with me. Pretty soon they had my home just how they liked it. And they had me at their beck and call. And I fell head over heels in love with them.

Jack (2002-2019)

George (2004 - 2021)

Reme (2009- )

In August 2021 I made the really difficult decision to say farewell to my Georgie. He was in pain, had diabetes and was suffering ailment after ailment. I didn't think I would ever be able to bring another cat into my life. However, shortly after moving 'down south', it seems life had other plans for me.

Reme (pronounced ReeMee) had started life as a street cat in Cyprus which is where Reme's owner was living. Reme was taken in and lived in Cyprus till Jan 2021 when Reme's owner decided to move back to the UK so she could be close to her family. Sadly, she died in October 2021 and her family were not able to take in Reme. My sister knew the family and wondered whether I might be tempted to take the puss-cat in. Being a sucker for a sad story, how could I resist?

Reme is thought to be about 12 years old. She was named after the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. She moved in at the start of November 2021, has settled in well, and is getting things running in the way she likes them to run. And I am really enjoying getting to know her.