

Ryan-Vig, S., Gavin, J. & Rodham, K. (2019): The Presentation of Self-Harm Recovery: A Thematic Analysis of YouTube Videos, Deviant Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1599141


Navarro, K., Wainwright, E., Rodham, K. & Jordan, A. (2018) Parenting people with complex regional pain syndrome: An analysis of the process of parental online communication. Pain Reports, 3:e681, September 2018

Jordan, A.L., Smith, P. & Rodham, K. (2018). Bittersweet: A qualitative exploration of mothers’ experiences of raising a single surviving twin. Psychology, Health, & Medicine Doi: 10.2196/mental.8084

Flurey, C., Hewlett, S., Rodham, K., White, A., Noddings, R. & Kirwan, J.R. (2018). Coping strategies, psychological impact and support preferences of men with rheumatoid arthritis: A multicentre study. Arthritis Care & Research, 70(6), 851-860. doi: 10.1002/acr.23422

Flurey, C.A., White, A., Rodham, K., Kirwan J.R. Noddings, R. & Hewlett, S. (2018). “Everyone assumes a man to be quite strong”: Men, masculinity and rheumatoid arthritis: A case-study approach. Sociology of Health & Illness, 40(10), 115-129


Ryan-Vig, S., Gavin, J. & Rodham, K. (2017). The presentation of self-harm recovery: A thematic analysis of YouTube videos. Deviant Behavior

Rodham, K., Gavin, J., Coulson, N. & Watts, L. (2017). Every Cloud has a Silver Lining: How to cope when your research does not go to plan. SAGE Research Methods Cases. https://methods.sagepub.com/case/every-cloud-how-to-cope-when-your-research-does-not-go-to-plan

Coulson, N., Bullock, E. & Rodham, K. (2017) What therapeutic affordances are conferred on users of self-harm online support groups? A survey of users. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4(4), e44.DOI: 10.2196/mental.8084

Gavin, J. & Rodham, K. (2017) Ethical research in the digital age. Psychology Review, 2-5

Flurey, C.A., Hewlett, S., Rodham, K., White, A., Noddings, R. & Kirwan, J. (2017) "You obviously have to put on a brave face": A qualitative study of the experiences and coping styles of men with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 69(3), 330-337. DOI: 10.1002/acr.22951


Flurey, C.A., Hewlett, S., Rodham, K., White, A., Noddings, R. & Kirwan, J. (2016) Identifying different typologies of experiences and coping strategies in men with rheumatoid arthritis: A Q methodology study. BMJ Open. 6:e012051. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012051

Flurey, C.A., Hewlett, S., Rodham, K., White, A., Noddings, R. & Kirwan, J. (2016). Men, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psychosocial Impact and Self-Management: A narrative review. Journal of Health Psychology. 21(10), 2168-2182. 1359105315572452 (NB online version was published in 2015).

Weiss, M.C., Grey, E., Harris, M. & Rodham, K. (2016). A comparison of Dispensing Doctor and Community Pharmacy Systems for Providing Pharmaceutical Services. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 17(1), 42-55.

Grey, E., Harris, M., Rodham, K. & Weiss, M. (2016) Characteristics of good quality pharmaceutical services common to community pharmacies and dispensing general practices. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice DOI 10.1111/ijpp.12253

Smedley, R., Coulson, N., Gavin, J., Rodham, K. & Watts, L. (2016) Engagement in a newly launched online support community for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: membership growth, header analysis and introductory messages. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 12(2), 147-164.

Rodham, K., Gavin, J., Lewis, S., Bandalli, P. & St Denis, J. (2016) The NSSI Paradox: Discussing and displaying NSSI in an online environment. Deviant Behavior, 37(10), 1110-1117.

Doran, N., Fox, F., Rodham, K., Taylor, G. & Harris, M. (2016) "Lost to the NHS"- Why GPs leave practice early: a mixed methods study. British Journal of General Practice, 66 (643), E128-E135.


Gauntlett-Gilbert, J., Rodham, K., Jordan, A. & Brook, P. (2015). Emergency Department staff attitudes toward people presenting in chronic pain: A qualitative study. Pain Medicine.16(11), 2065-2074.

Smedley, R.M., Coulson, N.S., Gavin, J., Rodham. K., Watts, L. (2015) Online social support for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A content analysis of support exchanges within a newly launched discussion forum. Computers in Human Behavior, 51 (A), pp. 53-63.

Lloyd-Richardson, E., Lewis, S., Whitlock, J., Rodham, K. & Schatten, H. T. (2015) Research With Adolescents Who Engage in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Ethical Considerations and Challenges. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 9:37, DOI 10.1186/s13034-015-0071-6

Rodham, K., Gavin, J., Coulson, N. & Watts, L. (2015). Co-creation of information leaflets to meet the support needs of people living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) through innovative use of wiki technology. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 41(3), 325-339.

Rodham, K., Fox, F. & Doran, N. (2015). Lost in Transcription: Exploring analytical trustworthiness and the process of reaching consensus in Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(1), 59-71.


Whitlock, J. & Rodham, K. (2013) Understanding non-suicidal self-injury in youth. School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice. 7(4), 1-18.

Rodham, K., Gavin, J., Lewis, S.P., St Denis, J.M. & Bandalli, P. (2013). An investigation of the motivations driving the online representation of self-injury, Archives of Suicide Research, 17, 173-183.

Rodham, K., McCabe, C., Pilkington, M. & Regan, L. (2013) Coping with Chronic Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Advice from patients for patients, Chronic Illness, 9(1), 29-42.


Rodham, K., Boxell, E., McCabe, C., Cockburn, M. and Waller, E. (2012) Transitioning from a hospital rehabilitation programme to home: Exploring the experiences of people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Psychology and Health, 27(10), 1150-1165.


Fox, F.E., Doran, N.J., Rodham, K.J., Taylor, G.J., Harris, M.J., & O'Connor, M. (2011) Junior Doctors' experiences of personal illness: a qualitative study. Medical Education, 45(12), 1251-1261.

Lauder, A., McCabe, C., Rodham, K. & Norris, E. (2011) An exploration of the support person's perceptions and experiences of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and the rehabilitation process. Musculoskeletal Care, 9, 169-179


Martin, F., Rodham, K., Camfield, L. & Ruta, D. (2010) Reliability and validity of the Thai "Global person Generated index", an individualised measure of quality of life. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 5(3), 219-232.

Hawton, K., Harriss, L. and Rodham, K. (2010) How adolescents who cut themselves differ from those who take overdoses. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19, 513-523.

Rodham, K., Rance, N. & Blake, D. (2010) A qualitative exploration of carer and 'patient' experiences of Fibromyalgia: One illness, different perspectives. Musculoskeletal Care, 8(2), 68-77.

Osborn, M. & Rodham, K. (2010) Insights into pain: A Review of Qualitative Research. Reviews in Pain, 4(1), 2-7.

Fox, F.E., Taylor, G.J., Harris, M.F., Rodham, K., Sutton, J., Scott, J. & Robinson, B.(2010) "It's crucial they're treated as patients": Ethical guidance and empirical evidence regarding treating doctor-patients Journal of Medical Ethics, 36(1), 7-11.