Student Tutors

Need some help? Student tutors from HL Math and SL Physics are waiting for you!

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: Tutors available at lunch in Room C509

Wednesday: Tutors available after school in the College and Career Center


Want to become a tutor and earn Community Service hours or extra credit? Ask! There are two ways you can work:

1. Join the drop-in sessions listed above. Eligible for EC or Community Service.

2. Become a solo tutor. Eligible for EC. Here's how it works: Tutoring times and arrangements are completely at the discretion of the student tutor and the student that he or she is tutoring. And, of course, the discretion of their parents. It can be at school, after school, weekends, whatever.

Students who have tutors get the benefit of extra help.

Students who act as tutors can receive extra credit in my class. The rewards can be great -- I will calculate your extra credit by finding the percentage difference between your student's test and his/her previous test, then multiplying by 2. So if your student goes up 8% between tests, you get (wow!) 16 points of extra credit.

In order to start, download the attached tutoring form. You must fill it in and return it to me before you begin tutoring.

The students you tutor can be in another math teacher's class, but you will need to ask that teacher to verify test scores after each test.