Equation Solver

Want to check an answer? Need a statistical value? Try this:

Wolfram Alpha

After the Wolfram website opens up, type your question in the box at the top. It will solve most any equation. You can also type in all sorts of semi-numeric things like "Population of Sweden", and get an answer. It's an amazing gadget.

So, why am I giving you ALL THE ANSWERS TO HOMEWORK? Simple! Much of why EVERYONE studies math is to learn how to be organized and systematic... namely that old teacher phrase "show your work". I don't accept homework where you haven't shown how you got the answer. And writing "I know this answer because Mr. Wolfram told me so" won't cut it.

It won't show you how to do the problem! But sometimes, knowing the answer can help you figure out how to do the problem. Please note that the site tends to give trig answers in radians.

Please note that the site will often give you much MORE than you asked for, including answers in forms that you haven't learned. Don't let that phase you, just look for the solution in terms you understand.