Online Graphing and Word Processing

There are a number of free online graphing programs out there. Here are some I can recommend.

Details and links for each grapher are further down this page.

For quick graphs: Gcalc

Works like a graphing calculator, and will graph points: HRW Graph

Graphs only line equations, also available as a cellphone app: Desmos

For times when you need to input data points and calculate a regression line: Graph 4.3 , or Winplot

For 2-D geometric graphics: Geogebra

For 3-D geometric graphics: Cabri 3D or Google Sketchup

For 3-D vector plots: Academo Plotter

For a spreadsheet program: Open Office

If you would like to save the graphs you make in Geogebra in the PDF format (which can be cut and pasted into

documents), you'll want Cutepdf

For Science labs (or other graphs!), ask me for a copy of LoggerPro. The company which sells is allows us to

give it to students. See below for a video link on how to make min/max lines in Logger Pro.


GCALC: Best for quick graphs of functions.

GCALC is a great little program for producing graphs on your computer, written by Jiho Kim. Not only is it free, but it makes good-looking graphs that can be copied and pasted into word-processing documents.

GCALC is written in JAVA. If you don't have JAVA installed on your computer, you will need to download it from the Sun Microsystems website. That's free as well.

GCALC Website

You'll notice that two versions are available. I recommend using GCalc 3.0, which works very well and doesn't require permanent installation on your computer.

After GCalc starts, you will usually want to choose the "Graph Plugin." If you need to do a graph with a limited domain and range, you will have to choose "Parametric".

GCALC syntax is old-school. Here's a short primer on how to use it:

Once GCALC starts, click on "Graph Plugin" to start the graphing calculator.

For multiplying, use "*" on your keyboard.

For dividing, use "/"

For powers, "^"

Oftentimes you will need parentheses to make the order of operations come out correctly.

For example, to graph y = 2/3 x you will need to type "(2/3)x"

To change the size of the graph, click on "Edit - Properties" to bring up options for the graph size, color, etc.


GRAPH 4.4: This one is my favorite for graphing when you need to include points in your graph.

It's also the best one for doing graphs with limited domains and ranges. NOTE: be careful to choose the program download from the "Download" toolbar; then pick the "Release" tab. DON'T download using any of the bright green "Download" boxes, which just take you to other downloads (which are likely scams or advertising junk).

Graph 4.4 Download


HRW Graph: Very easy to use for quick graphs.

This one has limited functionality for copying and pasting intro documents. But it's quick and easy to use, functioning much like a graphing calculator. You will need to use "screen shots" to import these graphs into a document. It works within a browser window, no download needed.

HRM Graph


WINPLOT: Good for graphing as well as plotting points, too.

Winplot is a free program kindly provided by Mr. Richard Parris, from Philips Exeter Academy. Unlike GCalc, which downloads automatically when you start a graphing session, Winplot is a program which you download once and install on your computer. Here's the link to where you can get it:

Winplot Download

Macintosh computers can also use Winplot: Winplot Instructions for Mac


GEOGEBRA: Great for doing geometric constructions:

Geogebra Download


CABRI 3-D: Use for making 3-dimensional geometric constructions.

You can try the evaluation version free... for a time

Cabri 3-D Download


LIBRE OFFICE: Includes a free version of the Excel spreadsheet

Libre Office is a free program which functions as, and is compatible with, most functions of Microsoft Office. It works on both Macintosh and Windows. Its drawback is that is it slow to load. It will let you word-process papers as well as produce graphs.

Begin by downloading and installing this program:

Libre Office Download



Excel can be tricky! Here's a good website with instructions: Excel Graphing

The attachment below gives very detailed explanations for Excel graphing. THese instructions work with Open Office, too.



A free program for exporting your Geogebra graphs in a format that can be pasted into documents. After it is installed, it can produce PDF files. You use it by telling Geogebra that you want to print your picture, then under the print dialogue box, you will select CutePDF as the "printer" for your picture.

Cutepdf Download



Here's a good video on how to manipulate min/max lines: Min/Max Lines in LoggerPro



Makes quick graphs that look good, but they can't be pasted into a document. Desmos

Also available as a cellphone app!


Academo Vector Plotter:

For graphing 3-D vectors. Plots two vectors, and can calculate resultants, differences

and cross-products: Academo Vector Grapher