5 статей

Kwang W. Jeon - 1996 - Medical - Страниц: 325

In addition, cytoplasts have not been analyzed using antibodies against animal cell centrosomes that cross-react with plant cell antigens. ...


    1. Формат файлов: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - В виде HTML

    2. Heterogeneous Plant Cell Antigens React with JIM8. The microscopical and extraction analyses that we have per- formed on embryogenic carrot suspension ...

    3. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2289712/pdf/jc11951371.pdf

    1. Heterogeneous Plant Cell Antigens React with JIMS. The microscopical and extraction analyses that we have per- formed on embryogenic carrot suspension ...

    2. www.jstor.org/stable/1615468

    1. plant cell antigens. A major advantage of the im- munomodulation approach, compared with, say, ... modulation of plant cell antigenswould be greatly ...

    2. www.springerlink.com/index/U5J76227055K1T76.pdf

    1. Plants offer an effective way to circumvent these problems as virtually any protein can be expressed in a plant cell, antigens can be produced on a large ...

    2. linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0304423805003274 - Похожие