Gravity - Gravity acceleration


* Program name : Gravity acceleration *

* Program ver. : 1.0 *

* Created by : SharpDevelop *

* Code author : Perić Željko *

* Code language : C# *

* Date created : 24.02.2013 *

* Time created : 21:02 *

* *

* *

* Program Description : *

* *

* Simple console application for calculating gravity acceleration ( g ) , *

* that gets one celestial body with known mass ( m ) and radius ( r ) , *

* developed by the influence of force of gravity field of another body , *

* with known mass ( M ) and radius ( R ) , placed at observed distance ( h ). *

* *

* Program calculates gravity acceleration for both celestial bodies *

* at zero altitude ( h = 0 ) , and at observed distance. *

* *

* Calculated ( g ) applies at distance between centers of body masses ( R + r + h ) ! *

* *

* *

* Math formula for gravity force between two celestial bodies : *

* *

* F = M * m * G / ( R + r + h ) ^ 2 *

* *

* Math formula for gravity acceleration that gets body with mass ( m ) : *

* *

* g = F / m *

* *

* Math formula for gravity acceleration that gets body with mass ( M ) : *

* *

* g = F / M *

* *

* *

* Try to calculate gravity acceleration that gets metal object *

* with mass of one hundred kilograms and radius of ten centimeters , *

* placed at altitude of one hundred thousand meters from Earth's surface. *

* *

* Mass of object m = 1,00 e+002 Kg *

* Object radius r = 1,00 e-001 m *

* Object altitude h = 1,00 e+005 m *

* *

* Mass of Earth M = 5,98 e+024 Kg *

* Planet radius R = 6378 e+003 m *

* Gravity constant G = 6,67 e-011 N * m^2 / Kg^2 *

* *

* Result should be g = 9,50484671003033 e+000 m / s^2 *

* *

* This result presumes ideal condition , that there are only those two bodies *

* in universe with no other forces of any kind that can influence them. *

* *

* Program accepts scientific format for large and small numbers. *

* *

* 4,3 e+5 = 4,3 * (10 ^ 5) = 4 300 000 e+5 stands for 10 raised to +5th power *

* *

* 587 e-5 = 587 * (10 ^-5) = 0,00587 e-5 stands for 10 raised to -5th power *

* *

* To enter such number , just type in 4,3e+5 or 587e-5 *

* *

* Number range that this program accept is from 1,7 E-308 up to 1,7 E+308 *

* *

* Program Accuracy Notice : *

* *

* All calculations in program are executed using double type of variable. *

* By default , a double value contains 15 decimal digits of precision , *

* although a maximum of 17 digits is maintained internally. *

* Result is shown in scientific format , rounded at fourteen decimals. *

* This could cause fatal error because , in some cases for accurate result , *

* many more digits are significant , especially when very large or very small *

* numbers are involved. *

* *

* Gravity constant value is rounded at two decimal places , *

* and usually input values that user type in , have it's own precision error... *

* *

* So the result that this program gives is always approximate and never 100 % accurate ! *

* *

* *

* All the best, *

* Author. *


using System;

namespace Gravity_acceleration


class Program


public static void Main(string[] args)



// Description of Main().


// Set values to necessary variables for calculation.


// Calculate gravity acceleration at zero altitude,

// and at observed distance for both celestial bodies.


// Show result in scientific ( exponential ) format.




// variable declaration


// gravity constant , just two decimal places !!!

const double G = 6.67e-11;

double R = 0;

double r = 0;

double M = 0;

double m = 0;

double h = 0;

double g1 = 0;

double g2 = 0;

double F = 0;

double d = 0;

// scientific (exponential) number format with 14 decimals

// first three decimals shall always be shown on console

// next eleven are optional , if not equal zero

string format1 = "0.000############ e+000";


// set console : title , window & buffer size , fore & back color and clear console


Console.Title = " Gravity acceleration - by Perić Željko (";



Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;



// declare new variable 'key' and set it's initial value to 'Y' - 'Yes' ,

// used for getting user's answer from keyboard at the end of program


ConsoleKeyInfo key = new ConsoleKeyInfo('Y',ConsoleKey.Y,true,true,true);


// restart calculation if answer is 'Y' - 'Yes'


while(key.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)



// set variables to initial values


R = 0;

r = 0;

M = 0;

m = 0;

h = 0;

g1 = 0;

g2 = 0;

F = 0;

d = 0;


// write program description to user




Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" Program for calculating gravity acceleration ");

Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" that have one celestial body ");

Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" developed by the influence of gravity field of another celestial body ");

Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" at zero altitude and at observed distance ");

Console.Write(" ");




// get inital values


// warning ,

// there is no part for validation

// of relevance of entered number

// that part try to write yourself


// To enter very large or very small number

// use scientific format that program recognize.


// Mass of Sun M = 1,99 e+30 Kg


// type in 1,99e+30 or 1,99e30 or 1,99E+30 or 1,99E30


// Gravity constant G = 6,67 e-11 N * m^2 / Kg^2


// type in 6,67e-11 or 6,67E-11



Console.Write(" Enter mass of first body in kilograms M = ");

M = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToString());


Console.Write(" Enter radius of first body in meters R = ");

R= double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToString());


Console.Write(" Enter mass of second body in kilograms m = ");

m = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToString());


Console.Write(" Enter radius of second body in meters r = ");

r= double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToString());


Console.Write(" Enter observed body distance in meters h = ");

h = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToString());



// calculate gravity force at zero altitude


F = m*M*G;

d = R + r;

d = d * d;

F = F / d;


// calculate gravity acceleration at zero altitude


g1 = F / M;

g2 = F / m;


// show result as string using format1



Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" Gravity acceleration at zero altitude ");

Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" First body g = " + g1.ToString(format1) + " m / s^2 ");


Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" Second body g = " + g2.ToString(format1) + " m / s^2 ");


Console.Write(" ");


// calculate gravity force at observed distance


F = m*M*G;

d = R + r + h;

d = d * d;

F = F / d;


// calculate gravity acceleration at observed distance


g1 = F / M;

g2 = F / m;


// show result as string using format1



Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" Gravity acceleration at observed distance ");

Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" First body g = " + g1.ToString(format1) + " m / s^2 ");


Console.Write(" ");

Console.Write(" Second body g = " + g2.ToString(format1) + " m / s^2 ");


Console.Write(" ");




// end of program


Console.Write(" Another calculation (y/n) ? ");

key = Console.ReadKey(true);






* Program Licence : *

* *

* Copyright 2012 , Perić Željko *

* ( *

* *

* According to it's main purpose , this program is licenced *

* under the therms of 'Free Software' licence agreement. *

* *

* If You do not know what those therms applies to *

* please read explanation at the following link : *

* ( *

* *

* Since it is Free Software this program has no warranty of any kind. *


* Ethical Notice : *

* *

* It is not ethical to change program code signed by it's author *

* and then to redistribute it under the same name , especially *

* if it is incorrect. *

* *

* It is recommended that if you make improvement in program code , *

* to make remarks of it and then to sign it by Your's name , *

* for further redistribution as new major version of program. *

* *

* Author name and references of old program code version should be *

* kept , for tracking history of program development. *

* *

* For any further information please contact code author at his email. *



* List Of Revisions *


* *

* *
