Computer program

" A computer program is a sequence of instructions to a computer,

whose execution makes computer to simulate the specific process. "

Electronic computer - A machine for performing calculations automatically.

Unlike the early developed electronic computers in which all operations for the calculations that computer could perform were implemented through simple logic circuits with poor capability of memorizing data and thus its application was limited, computer was able to solve just those problems whose solving wasdemanding only the pre-built functions, today's modern computers with its advanced architecture enables programmability. Programmability means that an electronic computer can be used to solve various diverse problems, by writting adequate computer program that represents a sequence of instructions to a computer, whose execution makes computer to solve the specific problem. Since that solution of problem can be represented as specific process, solving such problem by use of computer becomes simulation of that process on computer.

Process (lat. processus) - The course, path and method by which something becomes or is becoming, the way of development, the procedure.

  • Procedure for resolving tasks in any scientific field,

  • The way of making a specified product at the factory,

  • The path of formation of stars in the galaxy,

  • The course of collecting, processing and distribution of information,

  • Thinking is also a process that takes place in our brain, and so on.

Merely by our own presence in the Universe we affect all processes taking place in it,

and while we exist in that same Universe, we actively, consciously or unconsciously, participate in them.

Any process can be broken down into a finite number of elementary or basic steps. Each such step is rounded, the final action.

When all the steps are correctly defined and lined up in the proper sequence, we have obtained the ability to mimic this process.

The set of all the steps that are described accurately and properly arranged, is also known as Algorithm.

Computer program

Each step in the process that shall be simulated on a computer is represented in the computer program whith instruction or series of commands.

Instruction or Command or Reserved word is a word that computer recognizes as a command and can perform it.

The set of all words that computer accepts or recognize as commands with the inherent semantics and syntax represents Programming language .

A computer program is written within the framework of a programming language.

A computer program is a sequence of instructions to a computer, whose execution makes computer to simulate the specific process.

A computer program has no practical application without the computer on which it would be executed.

A computer has no practical application without a computer program that would be executed on it.

The purpose of computer program in a scientific context, is that by its execution on computer, makes computer to simulate a particular process so that it canbe observed for research purposes. In studying most of the processes, for the sake of establishing some scientific truth, it is necessary to change certain default or initial or input parameters, which are transformed during the execution of the process to output parameters or results of the process.

The computer with computer program in that sense, provides initiating and monitoring of an unlimited number of simulations of the observed process,

with different starting parameters, which gives the different accurate results that can be later compared for the acquisition of new scientific knowledge.

In this way it is possible to fully and safely study the processes that are extremely hazardous to human health. It is also possible, more efficiently, cheaper and in a shorter period of time, to study the processes for which research takes a lot of human and financial resources, as well as the long period of time of studying in order to reach high quality knowledge.

Also, the purpose of the computer program is to enable us to use the computer just for those jobs that suits us best. In this way, a computer program increases the usability of the computer. Since the beginning of the development of computers there has been developed many high quality computer programs for various purposes, read about the types of computer programs at the following link ( ^ ).

The computer in accordance with the possibilities of Programming as a scientific discipline, is a machine that can mimic a very large number of processes,

so its use in practice is multidisciplinary. With latest applications and modern computers we can solve very complex problems in natural sciences or simulate the processes that are carried far away in space, control and organize the production of various products in factories, collect vast amounts of diverse information and process them by various criteria, including simulation of human thinking with computer programs that are subsumed under the term "Artificial Intelligence".

All the best,
