Packing two dimensional rectangular elements at orthogonal table II

Packing two dimensional rectangular elements at orthogonal table

( Stable version 5.3 )


1. February 2019

After many years of experience in the field of furniture manufacturing from plate materials and analysis of many different computer software solutions that are used in process of cutting such materials, it was found that there is no any software which meets the requirement of price, quality and ease of use for independent carpenter.

Mostly all software solutions are made for the needs of the companies, which in its capacity exceeds the capacities of an independent carpentry workshop. The price of such software is in line with its capacity, and the needed know-how for using such software also. So the idea came up by itself to create project Pack-Print-Cut.

The purpose of this project is to create free and open source computer program that would be good enough for implementation in real furniture production at small carpenter's workshop.

According to that, computer program was created for optimized packing of two dimensional rectangular elements at orthogonal table with main purpose of printing cutting sheets that can be used for cutting material at production in wood and panel furniture manufacturing. Computer program was developed upon authors several years of experience at woodworking, and actual carpenters needs when such software is in question.

In spite of its look, it is fully functional peace of software , with all necessary elements needed for generating cutting sheets. GUI is simple and it consists of fields for entering Table and dimensions of Elements on the upper right, following with the button Pack for starting packing process. Packing options, Optimization options , Cutting options and Cleaning table edges section at the bottom left and Statistic section bottom right. Upper left are table description field for entering basic table characteristics, length, width, thickness, board type, texture name etc. And cut sheet drawing at the center of window. Right click at the cut sheet drawing and there are printing options. Right click at table with dimensions of Elements and there are options for saving current or loading saved element dimensions data. As there can be seen, all options needed for packing process are set at one screen. There are no complicated sub menus with confusing options. User has full control of every step of packing process.

Simplicity is the essence of life ”


This program was not created for sellers of chip boards and other board materials, but for those woodworkers that need free , simple and fast software for generating cutting sheets.

Computer program was written in the programming language C# version 4.0, and for it's work it is necessary to have installed Microsoft .Net framework 4.0 ( ^ ) !

If You are familiar to programming language C#, there is archive containing free open source program code.

In hope that this would be the first step for creating excellent free and open source computer program that would be available to any carpenter on this planet.

All the best, Perić Željko