
Mathematics is always a topical scientific discipline with its problems, which are solved by computers. In this chapter, there are various programs in the form of complete solutions to specific problems in the field of Mathematics. Keep in mind that this site is still in the initial stage of development so that the programs appearing here in the beginning shall be dedicated to solving the simplest problems in mathematics through which it is easier to understand the process of programming, and the latter is likely to reach development of much more complex mathematical problems.

All programs are developed in SharpDevelop IDE, in the programming language C# (ver 2.0 or higher) , and can be found in SharpDevelop Solution in the attached *. Zip archive that you can download by click at the link at the bottom of the article page.When you open the archive you can see the entire code and you can modify it as you see fit. If you do not use this integrated development environment that is otherwise free, you can find *. Exe file in the Release folder,which is the executable version of the program and you can see how the program works.

It is necessary that you have .Net framework 4.0 or later version installed on your computer.

.Net framework 4.0 can be found on Microsoft offical web site . There you can find information about what it is, and what it is for.

This chapter also relies on section algorithms, so that they will represent program implementation of algorithms in a programming language C#.Given that the site is intended for exchange of knowledge in computer programming, not the school type of education, many programs will initially have its foundation on low quality algorithms or there it will be no algorithms at all . Which means, if you needed one you'll need to write them on the basis of the attached final program.

All the best,
