
This computer game was created, as my experiment of making games, in developer tool located at the address below. Tool with excellentgraphic user interface, intuitive and allows very rapid realization of ideas. Exactly what you see, was made ​​about 3-4 hours of effective workwithout any previous knowledge or experience in using tools. Upon completion of the game making, you can embed code into HTML on your page and start it from there. Enjoy.

Divisional Command of Defence, T O P S E C R E T

Operation "First encounter"

Operational Orders

Universal date 256.698.987.99.

Mission directive : Rescue the scientist

Mission type : Silence

Team number : One

Weapon : Stun gun

Mission descrition:

This mission is vital for further progress in gaining operative data about an alien base.

One of our agents has infiltrated as a scientist, and found out how to break the door codes in the alien base.

Unfortunately he has been discovered and captured. Right now he is captive.

Mission objectives :

1. Find agent's hidden messages somewhere in the facilities.

2. Collect all informations about alien weapon systems

3. Release the agent and take him back in safety.

This is a solo mission with small risk and must be executed without any of aliens get killed. Use stun weapon hidden in facilities.

Robots guards and other obstacles are marked to be destroyed. You will be infiltrated into one of the storages on the base.

At your disposal are all necessary means, including latest RACS Remote Assistance and Command System

Col. Pera Elf ,