Binary to Decimal

Given that one of the interesting problem is transferring Binary number to a decimal number, in the appendix you will find a complete solution SharpDevelop IDE written in the C# programming language. Below is just a part of the code that is most important to solve this problem.

Note :

This program solves the problem only in the set of integers.

Program code:


* Created by SharpDevelop.

* User: Peric Zeljko

* Date: 7.10.2011

* Time: 8:51



* Simple console program for conversion of

* Binary numbers to Decimal



using System;

namespace Binary_to_Decimal


class Program


public static void Main(string[] args)



// declaration of variables


string Binary = "";

bool DecimalRelevance = false;

bool BinaryRelevance = false;

int Index = 0;

int Lenght = 0;

int Exponent = 0;

int Cipher = 0;

double BaseExponent = 0;

double DecimalNumber = 0;

string Letter = "";


// not very desirable but necessary

// begining of program label


begining :


// Hello message to user


Console.Title = "Program Binary to Decimal ";


Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;



Console.WriteLine(" Binary to Decimal");



// Get number from Console



Console.Write("Enter binary number (exmpl: 1001) : ");

Binary = "";

Binary = Console.ReadLine();




// Check if it is Decimal number


DecimalRelevance = false;

DecimalNumber = 0;

DecimalRelevance = double.TryParse(Binary,out DecimalNumber);

if (DecimalRelevance == true)



// Clears number from 0

// with all possibilites


// exmpl. 0001101 = 1101


Binary = Binary.TrimStart('0');

if (Binary =="")


Binary = "0";



else if (DecimalRelevance == false)



Console.WriteLine("Error , you didn't entered a number at all..");



// goto jump is not very desirable but necessary


goto end;



// Check Binary number relevance


Index = 0;

Lenght = 0;

Letter = "";

Lenght = Binary.Length;

for (Index=0;Index<Lenght ;Index = Index + 1)


Letter = Binary.Substring(Index,1);

if (Letter != "0" && Letter != "1")


BinaryRelevance = false;

Index = Lenght;




BinaryRelevance = true;



if (BinaryRelevance != true)



Console.WriteLine("Error , you didn't enter binary number ...");



// goto jump is not very desirable but necessary


goto end;



// Resolving conversion from Binary to Decimal

// If it is Decimal number

// exmpl. 1001


Exponent = 0;

Cipher = 0;

DecimalNumber = 0;

Index = 0;

Lenght = 0;

Letter = "";

Lenght = Binary.Length;

for(Index=0;Index<Lenght ;Index=Index+1)


Exponent = Lenght - Index - 1;

Letter = Binary.Substring(Index,1);

BaseExponent = double.Parse(Math.Pow(2,Exponent).ToString());

Cipher = int.Parse(Letter.ToString());

DecimalNumber = DecimalNumber + (Cipher * BaseExponent);



// Write result



Console.WriteLine("Binary number : " + Binary);


Console.WriteLine("Decimal number : " + DecimalNumber.ToString());



// not very desirable but necessary

// end of program label





Console.Write("Do you want to run program again y / n : ");

Letter = Console.ReadLine();

if ( Letter == "Y" || Letter == "y")


goto begining;





After starting the program, the program requires you to enter a binary number say 1001, after entering a number we have a solution 9.

Believe it or not this problem in the context of C# - solves only a single command:

Convert.ToInt32( binary_number , 2 )

But in the the program I have applied a solution that folows the step-by-step conversion of number:

1001 (binary) = 1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 9 (decimal)

All the best,
