Gravity - Gravity


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Program for some elementary calculations related to Gravity force,

between planet with known mass , radus and rotation (angle) velocity ,

and celestial body with known mass , radius and distance from planet.

Calculations for planet :

Gravity acceleration.

Stationary orbit radius.

Stationary orbit velocity.

First cosmical speed.

Second cosmical speed.

Calculations for celestial body:

Gravity force strength at observed distance between planet and celestial body.

Gravity force strength at zero distance between planet and celestial body.

Distance between planet and celestial body for wanted gravity force strength.

Stationary orbit altitude at observed planet.

Stationary orbit velocity at observed planet.

Calculation results presumes ideal conditions , that there are only these two bodies

in universe with no other forces of any kind that can influence them.

User interface is simple, to the left is the data for the observed planet with calculations below and to the right data for the observed body with calculationsbelow, which are grouped into two lists.

Change any data that is relevant to the calculations, and there is an automatictranslation and printing of results.

Program is written in IDE SharpDevelop, in C # 4.0 and at the bottom of page there is "Gravity open" archive with open source code that can be downloaded and changed as desired.

Program was not completely developed,because the part for recording anduploading of data and results, both for theplanet and for the observed celestial bodies, in order to create a database forfurther scientific research, is missing.This try to write yourself.

Click on the picture of the program todownload a free version of the executableprogram.

For the proper work of the program it is necessary to have .Net framework 4.0 installed.

All the best,
