Thumbaround Series (index)


Variations of Thumbaround

Thumbaround can be performed from fngerslots not including the thumb as in the starting position of Scissor Spin, whereas Thumbaround Reverse will only be successful as it is started from fingerslots including the thumb. In addition, Thumbaround Reverse can be done by another way of pushing, such as so-called flip push. Some people may tend to breakdown Thumbaround tricks performed from a fingerslot not including the thumb like 12 as a hybrid of Scissor Spin and Thumbaround, however this would be a typical misuse of the hybrid notation and is a rather unfavorable way to analyze and classify pen spinning tricks.

Classification of ThumbFingeraround

Pen Spinning Trick Directory counts ThumbFingeraorund Normal tricks as tricks rather than combs or hybrids, as they seem to have no more than a single pushing to cause the pen to spin, with the appearance of spins not differing.

The list below enumerates transitional possible trick cycle of Thumbaround series in alphabetical order.


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Thumbaround Series (index) — List page from Classic Sites