Pass Series (index)


Classification of Triangle Pass

Poor or slow Triangle Pass looks like a combo more than fast and skilled Triangle Pass does. Some people may consider that Triangle Pass consists of a few Pass Reverse tricks (Triangle Pass Reverse would be divided into a few Pass Normal tricks), however Pen Spinning Trick Directory is not very interested in defining whether those tricks should be classified as combos or tricks, which will not really matter.

Existence of Inverse Triangle Pass

Some people assume that there could be a trick like Inverse Triangle Pass, in which the pen should move around the back of fingers with the palm up. However Triangle Pass originally involves spins at the tip of fingers, and thus tricks such as Inverse Triangle Pass must not be available.

The list below enumerates transitional possible trick cycle of Pass series in alphabetical order.


Learn back the terms and symbols employed later in this article

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Pass Series (index) — List page from Classic Sites