Roll Spin Tricks (index)


Rotations and spin direction of Roll spin tricks

Rotations of Roll spin tricks will not matter, and it will be considered more important just to trace where the pen travels. Pen Spinning Trick Directory thus currently determined not to count rotations of the pen as for Roll spin tricks.

Direction of spins or rolls of the pen would also be unimportant, as it is difficult to determine which normal or reverse direction Roll spins are. If one looks at the tip of a rolling pen to determine whether the pen rolls clockwise or counterclockwise, this outcome differs from the one determined by one's looking at the opposite tip (or cap) of the rolling pen. On the other hand, direction of migration of the pen would be helpful information.

Variations of Backhand Tracer

Backhand Tracer bears the pen rolling on the back of fingers, and then there would be some tricks in which the pen rolls on the palmar side of corresponding fingers. Pen Spinning Trick Directory treats these tricks as "Inverse Backhand Tracer", although no videos of them are yet even found on the Internet.

Backhand Tracer tricks could have the pen roll in a single fingerslot without the pen going over the fingers to any other fingerslots. In 12 fingerslot, for example, the trick should be called Backhand Tracer (Still) 12 with the pen rolling between the index and the middle finger, although some spinners doubt if those tricks are possible.

The list below enumerates transitional possible trick cycle of Roll spin tricks series in alphabetical order.


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Roll Spin Tricks (index) — List page from Classic Sites