Peace Corps Malawi

Paul served as a Peace Corps Volunteer (1963-1964 Nyasaland) (1964-1965 Malawi) in East Africa. Nyasaland gained its independence from Great Britain becoming Malawi in 1964. Situated along the western shore of Lake Malawi it is about 500 miles by about 75 miles. A ridge of mountains forms the spine of Malawi.

He was fortunate to be assigned to Malosa Secondary School (High School) where he taught geography and biology to 4th and 5th Form (Juniors and Seniors) students. The school was situated in a forest on Malosa Mountain, with a student body of 150 boarding students (half girls, half boys). The view from the Konde (balcony) on the back of the school hall overlooked the Chila (Chirwa) plain, with Lake Chilwa in the distance.

Even though assigned as a teacher, one of Paul's first assignments was to build his classroom. First need was bricks, find a termite nest with the needed clay, dig, form bricks, pile them, cover with mud, keep a fire going in the oven holes for a week or so, then use the bricks as a teaching aid for students.

On vacation in Mozambique. Was I ever that young?