Miscellaneous Genre

Emboldened by a little success early on, but still without instruction;I ventured into Christmas carvings. I continue to do a few as are shown in the Christmas Ornaments section.

The cowboy santa is popular, the gnome is my favorite and Diana thinks that the santa in overalls is an attempt at a self-protrait .....due to my preferred attire, which she insists be limited to wearing only at home..

I started doing relief carving primarily to learn the use/control of watercolors.

Finally there are miscellaneous art projects:

I have been using pyrography on bird feathers, fur, animal noses and eyes. A few years ago I decided to improve my ability with the burning pen. I did the old church as a practice piece. It was rescued from the fireplace by Diana and, I think belongs to Philip and Connie. I then tackled the mallard with cat tails, which now belongs to Cousins Ila Kay and Kini. Finally, and probably the last piece of pyrography I will do, is the owl. Now belonging to David and Sunnie. Color was added using watercolor and watercolor pencils.