Paropsis charybdis

Size = 9 - 11 mm Paropsis charybdis is a variable beetle.

A translucent form occurs which I assume is the same species. Heart Morass, Victoria.

This form is scarce and features a dark blotch on the posterior half of the cell of the elytra. North Harcourt, Victoria.

Paropsis (Latin) = dish.

Charybdis is the name of a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily. It was personified as a female monster.

It is a serious pest of commercial eucalyptus plantations in New Zealand and sometimes in Tasmania.

They are bivoltine meaning two broods per season.

The female can produce 1500 to 2000 eggs.

They emerge from hibernation in August to September.

Lifecycle is 7-9 weeks @ 20 Celsius and varies with food plant.

Eggs hatch in 14 - 21 days

Larvae 1 4 days

2 2.5 days

3 3 days

4 9.5 days

Prepupal 8 - 10 days

pupal 14 days

Paropsis charybdis Stål, 1860

Map source ALA; Paropsis+charybdis distribution map map.