Larval defence mechanisms

Paropsisterna pictipes larva with extended glands

There are several methods employed by larvae of Paropsines to avoid predation.

These include;

1/ Aggregation.

2/ Aposematic patterns and colors

3/ Regurgitation of digested eucalyptus fluids.

4/ Nocturnal feeding and hiding under bark diurnally.

5/ Guarding by adult beetles.

6/ Production of Hydrogen Cyanide in two eversible glands located between abdominal segments 7 and 8.

[if you are counting, each segment appears as two bands. the first three are thoracic, bearing a pair of legs (therefore count six rings) and from there begin counting the abdominal segments, each with two rings.]

Hydrogen Cyanide is a metabolite and not a product of digestion of eucalyptus leaves.