
Περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστορίαι – History of Animals

Thompson's 1910 translation is now available from the Biodiversity Heritage Library as a scanned copy. Prior to this, however, it was available only in a simplified web edition (now no longer available) from the University of Adelaide. Because that version omitted the Bekker Numbers generally used for reference purposes, I created a modified copy for this site with the numbers added back in and the order changed slightly to reflect the recent Loeb edition. Thompson's text is thus fully available with footnotes and other material on the BHL site as a downloadable scanned copy, and as a 'bare bones' web text on this Paradoxography site.

Aristotle, trans. Thompson (1910) Historia animalium. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Links to web version on this site

A note on the text order and numbering

The number and order of the books of the HA has long been a matter of dispute. The Peck and Balme Loeb volumes use a slightly different order from Thompson's and include the probably spurious Book X. The accompanying table shows the differences.

Loeb translation (not in the public domain):

Aristotle, trans. Peck and Balme (1965–1991) History of Animals (3 vols). Cambridge, Mass; London: Harvard University Press; Heinemann. —Vols. 1 (Books I–III) 1965 and 2 (IV–VI) 1970, trans. A.L. Peck. Vol. 3 (VII–X) 1991, ed. and trans. by D.M. Balme; prepared for publication by A. Gotthelf.