Parenting Without Power Struggles

Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm, and Connected

by Susan Stiffelman, MFT

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Chapter 1: How to Be the Captain of the Ship Through Calm and Stormy Seas

  • Be the calm captain of the ship.
  • When the waves are rough, would you rather be on a ship with an angry, shouting captain or a calm captain?
  • Keep your cool and confidence.
  • Be in charge (capable when the seas are rough) but not in control (compensating for feeling of powerlessness).
  • When no one is in charge, it is like "the two lawyers." Both are arguing their case, and parent may resort to bribes and threats.
  • If you do not push back, the child cannot resist. She illustrates this with a physical exercise.
  • Byron Katie's four questions:
    • 1. Is it true?
    • 2. Can you know it is absolutely true?
    • 3. How do you reaction when you believe that thought?
    • 4. Who would you be without that thought?
  • Find a statement with a "should." This is what makes you upset, and try to come up with a reason for the opposite from the child's point of view. For example, your child should whine.
  • Children need to feel dependent on parents.
  • Exercise genuine authority.

Chapter 2: Attachment and Connection

  • According to research in teenagers, a close relationship with a parent is the best predictor of not engaging in high-risk behavior
  • Attachment is necessary for healthy relationships
  • Parents should be intentional to develop connection
  • Psychology Gordon Neufeld developed a model of six stages of attachment: proximity, sameness, belonging/loyalty, significance, love, being known
  • There are lists of practical suggestions for each of the six stages
  • The drive for attachment is stronger to a child than hunger
  • If the child cannot attach with the parent, the child will attach with peers

Chapter 3: How to Help Your Kids Have Healthy Relationships with the Members of Their Village

Chapter 4: Creating an Unshakable Connection with Your Kids

Chapter 5: Helping Kids Deal with Frustration

Chapter 6: Handling Resistance, Anger, Whining, Meltdowns, and Aggression

Chapter 7: How to Get Kids to Cooperate

Chapter 8: Celebrate the Child You've Got

Chapter 9: Every Child's a Genius

Chapter 10: How to Help Kids Avoid Depression and Anxiety--and Be Genuinely Happy

Chapter 11: Being Present and Mindful, and Unwinding Without Electricity

Chapter 12: Empowering Kids to Create Their Very Best Lives

Chapter 13: Live Like Your Kids Are Watching---Because They Are