

What is the Hubble Telescope all about?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAVjF_7ensg&feature=channel


Cell phones have replaced pay phones. Whether or not we like it, it happened, and industries, job creation, investment opportunities, widespread acceptance, and use, were all involved in that transition. A similar pattern is underway today. In 2003 I wrote a book called Outsiders' Guide to Understanding Outer Space Development. It demonstrates that it is possible to forecast the emergence of new industries - space tourism, space mining and commercial space settlements. While being interviewed by Channel 2 News in 2002, the reporter asked me if it bothered me that my research would not be relevant for about 200 years. He was wrong. The space tourism began to grow roots just 2 years after that interview.


My research aims at bridging two worlds: the general public and the space development community. If you don't know about outer space and what is happening, then you don't know. Therefore, an introduction to what is happening is important for the general public. Outer space colonization is not far off. Hundreds of space companies exist, earning billions annually. Spaceports are popping up all over the world. Space tourism companies are selling trips to space. Public perceptions about space travel are changing. Activities are underway to develop the final frontier for human visitation and extended habitation, and most people, around the globe, know nothing about it. At the beginning of the space age, the public viewed space travel as a government enterprise for highly trained astronauts. The race to space was a race between two nations - the US and the former Soviet Union. This competition was for the sake of national prestige and in the interest of science. Today space is the source of everyday goods and services: cell phones, the Internet, cable television - to name a few examples. Established space industries have already taken a foothold in the everyday lives of most people. This was the result of concerted efforts within the outer space development regime. Space scientists, space engineers, space lawyers and space policymakers have been meeting and making plans for space development for over 40 years. Recently, many nations have drastically increased their spending on space programs, and many have pledged to go to the Moon and to Mars. Moreover, discoveries have been made on these two celestial bodies and on various asteroids and comets. New industries involving space stations, space tourism, space mining and space settlement are impending. Development plans and the technological capability to develop outer space are very real and very concrete. This website was born out of my concern that too few people know anything about this stuff that is happening.


Space as the Answer for Many of the World's Problems:


Perils of underground mining (miners in Chile)





What's New?


Orion Spacecraft


Space X




World News



NASA Space Shuttle Launch on November 1, 2010 - Discovery has been cleared to launch.


http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/launch/index.html - Watch it live on NASA TV!


The Global Forum: The Future of Space Exploration - Live Chat





Low Earth Orbit


Google Lunar X Prize, Isle of Man


Commercial Space Hotels/Habitats



Private Spaceships



Boeing and Space Adventures







The International Astronautical Federation Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic from September 27 - October 2, 2010. 

Videos of the 2010 IAF


See http://www.iafastro.com/index.html?title=IAC2010_Technical_Programme   


Overview of the Legal Sessions and the Res Communis issue at:   

http://rescommunis.wordpress.com  and http://pressreleases.kcstar.com/?q=node/42177


First Puerto Rico Space Congress and Auction, "Space is the Answer" October 23-27, 2010 



Boeing enters the space tourism arena:



Read Aviation Week & space Technology articles about Lockheed Martin's concept involving a mission to an asteroid "2008 HU4" by 2016, and asteroid "2008 EA 9" by 2019. To learn more about these asteroid, do a google.com or yahoo.com search.





What type of spacecraft will be used?




Newest Elaboration on President Obama's Space Policy (June 28, 2010)



Bolden defends President Obama's space policy at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5UFIQGCzGc&feature=fvsr.


Virgin Galactic/Miramar Travel Space Talk


NASA hosted an Exploration Enterprise Workshop in Galveston, Texas, on May 25-26 to discuss the agency's new plans for human and robotic exploration in space. The event will focus on President Obama's fiscal year 2011 budget request for NASA's exploration activities. Representatives from industry, academia, and the federal government have been invited to discuss strategy, development, and implementation of the proposed new direction...  http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/1861988/nasa_hosts_workshop_to_discuss_new_exploration_strategies/index.html?source=r_space

The National Space Society hosted the International Space Development Conference in Chicago May 27-31, 2010. The National Space Society's International Space Development Conference is where astronauts, scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials, activists and other citizens who look forward to the opening of the “final frontier” gather each year to discover the future of space exploration. http://isdc.nss.org/2010/

It was an intriguing experience.


The International Astronautical Federation is hosting a conference on space in Prague in September 27-October 1, 2010. The IAF is an international non-governmental and non-profit organisation, founded in 1951. The Federation encourages the advancement of knowledge about space and the development and application of space assets for the benefit of humanity. It plays an important role in disseminating information, and in providing a significant worldwide network of experts in the development and utilisation of space. It remains to this day the only international federation for the space community that addresses all aspects of space - developments, activities, knowledge, experts and the future...



The United Nations






Anybody Can Participation in Outer Space Development




President Obama's New Space Policy - Opportunities

March 1 2010 Report http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2010/LPSC_3_01_10_finalx.pdf

March 30, 2010 Report http://www.marshall.org/pdf/materials/789.pdf



NASA has achieved a tremendous amount over the years. Want to know where NASA has traveled? Search for "missions", "NASA missions", "Russia and space missions", "Soviet Union and missions" or similar terms. Here's a link to get you started http://www.nasa.gov/missions/index.html. By reviewing NASA's website, you can better understand the patterned multitude of successes that NASA has achieved.


"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come."   Victor Hugo



Humankind can begin the process of building human settlements in low Earth orbit. Various news reports have indicated that the President's new space policy decision to cancel NASA's Constellation Program will cause thousands of NASA jobs to be lost. As always, this tends to have a ripple effect on others. After thinking about this and reading various discourses regarding space, I would like to propose the following strategy: Build space societies now. Can we do this?


Links to Information Demonstrating the Expertise Already Exists to Accomplish the Building of Space Settlements:









There are several companies who can do the various things needed to build human settlements in low Earth orbit (as well as on the Moon, asteroids and other places). Examples include:




http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/140649main_ESAS_full.pdf (758 pages report with architectural roadmap)






XARC - Exploration Architecture Corporation




Imagine traveling across the world, with this as your view:






The Boeing Company




Northrop Grummann



European Space Agency



4 Frontiers Corporation




Other Links for Additional Information:






















The international community built a human space settlement before, called the International Space Station. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/space/2008-11-19-issassembly_N.htm. We should do this again and build several this time, using the resources of each country in the world and various organizations, institutions and corporations.


How will people get to and from human space settlements, now that the Shuttle fleet is retiring? The US has been cooperating with Russia for several decades. It is not a new thing for the US to work with Russia on space transportation issues. The Ares rocket is reportedly behind schedule. Companies for example Bigelow Aerospace and others have been working with Russia for orbital trips into space. In addition, private companies are preparing themselves for orbital space transportation capabilities.














Note:  It is reasonable to assume that the companies focusing on suborbital space transportation today, may advance into orbital space transportation activities, once established.






Online Books




Downloadable book, Revitalizing NASA's Suborbital Program: Advancing Science, Driving Innovation, and Developing a Workforce written by  by the Committee on NASA's Suborbital Research Capabilities; National Research Council  (2010) or for quick overview go tohttp://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12862&page=R1




Jobs: Workforce Development Research

Suggestion: President Obama, for the sake of job creation, can immediately institute a new policy to initiate the building of human habitats in Low Earth Orbit, near the International Space Station. What is Low Earth Orbit? see http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-low-earth-orbit.htm Thisidea is not far fetched. We have already colonized the geostationary orbit and many people now have access to cell phones and the Internet because of the satellite telecommunications industries which arose out of this development. We've done this sort of thing before, for example, similar to President Roosevelt's New Deal policy, an initiative causing the building of human settlements in space will create many jobs for a variety of people, from all over the world. See http://faculty.weber.edu/kmackay/roosevelt_and_the_new_deal.htm. Roosevelt's New Deal policy was known for creating jobs - even when it meant paying people to dig ditches, only to fill them later.


Link to NSS Legislative Center:



It is 2010. Jobs like digging ditches are outdated. It's time for America can inspire dreams!  We as society can create new jobs - the kind that will allow people to imagine and to create. Students can be inspired by knowing jobs will be there in engaging new fields. Instead of keeping bodies moving, lets cause minds, imaginations and spirits to move. Instead of digging ditches and refilling them we can build neighboring habitats for the International Space Station. This could be the answer to NASA job lose, student employment anxiety, high unemployment, hopelessness and the inability of people to believe in the American dream.


The rapid development of human settlements in outer space could do for us, what Roosevelt's New Deal did for people of yesteryear. This as a strategy could prove to solve many problems, including maintaining US leadership regarding outer space development, creatiing jobs, and enabling NASA employees to sustain their lives after many years of commitment and success.


To help make this happen write a letter indicating your feelings about this issue to: The Honorable Barack Obama, The White House, Washington, D.C.


Companies have developed new types of spaceships. Commercial spaceports are a growing trend. Human space settlements are being designed.


The space hotel known as The International Space Station has been successfully housing people for prolonged stays in outer space for many years now.

What is happening and why?


Welcome to the cutting-edge of outer space development!  


Why should people care about outer space development?


The good ole days of being able to count on getting a good job that would take care of you til you retire, are over for most people. For example, NASA employees were preparing for massive layoffs even before the recent "scrapping" of NASA's constellation program. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/04/080402-AP-nasa.html (This article is dated April 2 2008).


Here's another http://blogs.chron.com/deepspace/2008/10/nasa_jobloss_estimate_remains.html.


However, the CNN video below seems to contradict this assumption that President Obama is scrapping NASA.


Question: What's going on? http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=obama+proposing+nasa+cuts+2011+budget+private+firms&aq=f

Answer: President Obama's new budget provides economic incentives for the private sector to take on activities which used to be carried out only by NASA. Although NASA's Constellation Program (to the Moon) was cancelled, the Google Lunar X Prize (to the Moon) is alive and well. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Lunar_X_Prize. Translation: the US based private sector will be establishing travel to the Moon.



Earlier plans for NASA going back to the Moon (cancelled) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRSNT_9ru2U


NASA will shift is focus to trips to the asteroids and to Mars, as the result of President Obama's new space policy. People working on the NASA Constellation program may lose their jobs in the short term. However, they can apply for new and more challenging positions with the private sector. They will be uniquely qualified for key positions in the newly emerging industries - if they have the "right stuff" to compete in these new markets. Although, I am not certain, I can imagine this transition breathing new life into the viens of outer space development.


For many years, the private sector has argued that innovation is often stagnated by bureaucratic Inertia. NASA, in spite of its miraculous achievements, has been accused of suffering from bureaucratic inertia. Delays in the NASA Constellation Program have been cited as the reason for its cancellation. This is the perfect time for new talent to come forth and to offer its abilities. New opportunities are opening up in this process. Thus, this is likely to spur rapid new steps towards space travel, space exploration, space mining and human space settlements. New knowledges are likely to form creating even more opportunities for people with creative ideas. People will need to know that these opportunities exist and how to connect with key people in order to contribute to the process.



This article outlines points being made in opposition to the Obama Administration's space policy initiative http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/14/obama-vs-neil-armstrong-nasa-constellation/?test=latestnews.






Reuters, April 15, 2010 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100415/sc_nm/us_obama_space_asteroid. This article indicates an Executive Branch initiate to shift the US focus towards space travel to asteroids and Mars instead of placing a priority on trip to our Moon. Notice the comments made by bloggers at the bottom of the articles. There tends to be alot of anger in people's posted responses regarding President Obama's space initiative. People don't seem to understand the need to shift the travel plans from having NASA send manned missions to the Moon (via the Constellation Program) to instead having private space companies initiate trips to asteroids and/or to Mars. This decision seems to be freaking people out! Hopefully, my website will help people to better understand what is happening and why.


Background on Constellation Program

Here is a Wikipedia site that some knowledgeble person was kind enought to create and post to help us understand what is happening. Note: I am aware that most professors do not respect Wikipedia. I debate this issue often. However, as in this case, there are certain topics that demonstrate the level of expertise simply by the information gathered onto the site. You can see the links attached to this Wikipedia cite and allow these links to take you to primary resources, if you do not trust Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constellation_program. Also see See http://spacefrontier.org/. Reviewing these two resources will help you to understand why the Obama Administration is discouraging NASA(see the 2011 US budget)  and encouraging the private sector to take the next steps towards trips to the Moon, Mars and to other celestial bodies.


President Bush's speech of January 14, 2004 regarding his Vision for Space Exploration






Commercialization of Space Activities by the Private Sector 

The idea of allowing the private commercial sector to take on some of NASA's activites predates the recent decision the cancel NASA's Constellation program. For example in 2004 President Bush intituted the President's Commission on Moon, Mars and Beyond. This Commission held five public hearing to discuss a new direction for the US space program. Subsequently an official report was published, setting forth a blueprint for trips to the Moon, Mars and other locations in outer space. This report is replete with recommendations to allow the private commercial sector to take over many of NASA's duties. To download a free copy of this report go to http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/docs/M2MReportScreenFinal.pdf.


To read transcripts of the 5 hearings go to http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/.

Question: How is President Obama's new initiative different from President Bush's 2004 policy regarding the "Moon, Mars and Beyond"?

Answer: NASA anticipating having to gradually turn over some of its activities with the private sector, but not the Constellation program. NASA was probably looking forward to playing a leading role in trips to the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies through the Constellation Program. It appears that the 2011 budget doesn't provide for NASA's Constellation Program. However, this does not mean that all trips to the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies have been cancelled. For many years the private sector has been lobbying Congress, the Senate and the Executive Branch for permission and economic incentives for lead the process of space travel to the Moon, Mars and other places in outer space.


Space commercialization has been facilitated through a series of laws since the 1980s. There is a tremendous amount of widespread acceptance of this trend. Cell phones, the Internet and many other goods and services have been made widely available to the general public at large around the world with little resistance. The private sector was instrumental in this phenomenon. Gradually space transportation, space tourism, space travel and exploration, space mining and space settlements will be managed and operated by the private sector. Many actions which appear new, are simply steps in this overall process. 


Remember Dennis Tito - the first private space tourist (2001)? He reportedly paid the Russians $10,000,000. to travel into outer space. Also during 2001 Dennis Tito participated in a House Science Committee, Subcomittee on Space and Aeronautics Hearing on Space Tourism  June 26, 2001. http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/congress/2001_h/index.html.




After considerable political lobbying activities, in 2004 the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act was passed. The overall purpose of the Act was to allow the private sector to have legal rights regarding the development and testing of privately funded, owned and operated spaceships. Prior to the passage of this law only government entities were allowed to participate in space travel. The read the text ob this law go to http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/media/HR3257%20Congressional%20Report%20108-429.pdf.


The rest was history.


For more information on SpaceShipOne see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceShipOne. Or do a key word search on "SpaceShipOne".




Let's try to understand what is happening. This website is intended to help the general public to understand phenomena related to outer space activities. It pulls together seemingly disparate activities so that you can perform your own research to discover things that you would like to know. 



President Obama and Missions to the Moon:

Recently there have been confusing reports about President Obama "killing" or "scraping" the NASA Moon missions. Does this help further space exploration, or does it retard it? If you consider private spaceships are being developed and tested by corporations, and if you were to read the 64 page Report of the President's Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, it becomes easier to hypothesized that this most recent budget initiative for 2011, is moving in the direction of allowing the private sector to begin doing some of the things that NASA used to do.









Remarks made by President Obama, February 17, 2010







NASA's Website



Many people are able to get excited about Science Fiction. However, few are about to get engaged in what is happening today regarding outer space. Meanwhile ... outer space is being developed.













Why should we care about anything? Consider globalization, climate change, war over resources, inequality gaps, employment, education, innovation, science, technology? We are constantly offered information about these types of issues, but not information about outer space development?


A new book entitled The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty by Peter Singer (2010) argues that we must work towards ending the extreme poverty. However, how did it come to be that certain people are extremely poor and others extremely wealthy? The answer depends on the person asked. 


Today, globalization is said to be the culprit causing inequality gaps, conflict, poverty and environmental degradation. But how do you undo globalization? Where were the activists when globalization was being put into place? How do you stop it? Do you want to stop it, if it was the only way to create much needed jobs?

The most significant obstacle to realizing global equality is the way established patterns of power are allowed to be apathetic to the real needs of people, during the planning stage. Advocates of human rights tend to wait until after economic, ideological, political and legal institutions have been established, and after inequality trends cause many people irreversible harm. If only humankind had the foresight to design equality into the blueprint of its next development scenario.

Outer space is in the process of being developed. Human settlements in space will soon become a reality. Thinking people must apply their skills to create equality in future space societies during this embryonic moment of outer space development. People have a unique opportunity to contribute to future societies. Innovative, creative, ingenious people - you are being called upon to participate in the process of outer space development - WE NEED YOU!

This website provides innovative, creative and curious people with knowledge and information to help them develop their own survival stategies, based on an understanding of newly emerging trends related to outer space development.


Space, International Relations and Ethnic Studies









Discovery News on Space Travel



Raising the level of consciousness.  



Quick overview of space travel links




Quick history of space travel and human spa















International Institute on Space Law





Who Owns the Moon (Earth's Moon)?




What is Space Law?





The United States Human Spaceflight Plans Committee




Key thinkers regarding outer space development will be meeting in Chicago in May 2010 and in Prague in September-October of 2010



What's happening this year with the International Astronautical Federation Congress in 2010? To flash review 84 pages outlining various meetings and presentations being made by professionals, experts, scholars and academics and professionals...see link below


http://www.iafastro.com/index.html?title=IAC2010 click on PDF of the Technical Program document.




Members of the International Astronautical Federation



Why would anyone want to go to outer space?


Several years ago, Anousheh Ansari became the first women private space tourist. This interview explains why Anousheh went to outer space and future plans that she has for encouraging outer space travel.


Does your city want to host the International Astronautical Federation Congress in 2013?




Space Ambassor Anousheh Ansari provides answers to the question: why space? 






Several other private space tourists had paid $20,000,000.00 to become space tourists.





$10,000,000.00 X Prize (now called the Ansari X Prize)



Space Tourism became a new industry in 2004




Future Cities in Outer Space




Predictions - Lights Out in 2012 (2020 or 2050)









Question: Why is President Obama "scrapping" NASA?






Obama's Planned Speech Regarding Outer Space in April



Answer: The process of "transforming" NASA and gradually allowing the private sector to take over NASA's activities began under President Reagan with a myriad of space commercialization laws, which have resulted in major industries, including telecommunications, cell phones, the internet, websites, online libraries and many other goods and services. The mandate that NASA retire the shuttle and start to transfer activities over to the private section was set forth in the policy report entitled The President's Commission on Moon, Mars and Beyond

http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/docs/M2MReportScreenFinal.pdf or

http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/60736main_M2M_report_small.pdf and http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/. This was a major policy event during 2004.


These plans were widely discussed and disseminated within NASA as early as 2004. Many skilled NASA employees will likely be hired by the private sectors, once NASA is "transformed".  For example, Boeing Company formed a space exploration division several years ago. See http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space_exploration/index.html.


Also see the contents of "Companies" on the main menu and http://www.aerospace-technology.com/


What's happening at the international level in 2010?

What's Happening at the United Nations?

Meeting regarding the outer space treaties (March 22 - April 1, 2010)






International Space University Projects

Private space tourist speaks to ISU students from various nations while she is in outer space vacation




What happens to a cat in a space station:



New types of studies:





Imagine going back to the time of Columbus' voyage to the new world, with today's knowledge of its impact. We are at that moment in time. Significant first steps have already taken place towards the concrete long-term development of human space colonies. This includes Near Earth and Low Earth orbits, as well as the geostationary orbit, the Moon, Mars "and Beyond". 


This website provides updates and sheds light on these types of events and their importance to your future. Experts are planning the development of the final frontier. Only those who are informed will be able to benefit from the new space industries, as they emerge. Everybody else will be left behind. Are you aware? Are you ready?


Thousands of companies have taken space development to a new level of commercial enterprise - creating revenues, jobs, goods and services. For example, the satellite, space transportation and remote sensing industries have provided humankind with cell phones, the Internet, cable television and more.


We saw these technologies shift from science fiction to technological realities - within just a few years. Those who knew about the process were able to take advantage of the opportunities.



What's New with NASA?

Haven't you heard...NASA's is being "transformed"

Report of the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy (2004) is available at: http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/ and

http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/moontomars/docs/M2MReportScreenFinal.pdf. This 65 page report refers to transforming NASA on pages 2, 4, 7, 9, 18, 21, 22 and 23.


NASA in 2011 - The New Budget










In addition, many countries have increased funding for space programs. Private companies are earning billions annually providing space products and services. Just a few years ago space was a government enterprise. Domestic space laws have shifted many space activities over into the private commercial domain. Political leaders have declared the need to send manned missions to Mars, the Moon "and beyond". New space probes have sent us photos (see http://www.spacedaily.com/news/saturn-titan-05p.html) and other information about the asteroids, comets and planets in our solar system. While space exploration and development acitivities have been around for decades, new events have occurred, but hardly anyone has taken notice.


In spite of the concreteness elucidated by sheer dollars spent so far on space, people are still giggling. Hence my research, is aimed at eliminating the giggle factor. The Outer Space Research Association will eventually attract other professionals from diverse fields such as space law, space politics, space technology, space education, space agencies, space organizations, environmental experts, space scientists, space private companies, space media, the various space interest groups, and the general public (worldwide) in order to bridge the gap between pockets of space actitivities.


 Those who know about outer space development will be able to better plan their future.


Those who don't will be left behind. History is replete with this pattern. Over and over we see this play out over the generations. Similar themes are likely to continue, espcially since no one cares.


An industrial revolution is taking place and most people are still giggling.






Outer Space Development is in the process of becoming a reality.This research is in an effort to spread knowledge on current events regarding outer space development. Critically analyzing the full scope outer space development—including the politics, laws, and economics of space colonization is important today. Once institutions, industries, jobs, laws, ideologies, economic structures and social and behavioral patterns are established, it will be too late to factor in equality, opportunity, prosperity  for all and other idealistic concepts.


  China and the Moon





Copyright 2004-2012 by Edythe E. Weeks