奥山雄大 (Yudai Okuyama)




My current research is based on my own discovery on the pollination mutualism between plant genus Mitella and some flower-visiting fungus gnats. For example, Mitella pauciflora depends strictly on a few species of fungus gnats of the genus Boletina and Coelosia, while its closely related species Mitella furusei is specialized to pollination by a single fungus gnat species Gnoriste mikado. Therefore, the two plant species never produce hybrids in nature although it is easy to produce hybrids if hand-pollinate between them. Mitella-fungus gnat system is really ideal to understand how plant species are formed and maintained, as the mechanisms underlying the switching of the mutualisic partners seem simple. Nevertheless, the system is comparable to the general, nectar-rewarding plant-pollinator relationships, so the discovery made therein would be widely applicable.



E-mail: yokuyama[at]kahaku.go.jp
