GA Minutes, Nov 5, 2011

Post date: Nov 06, 2011 1:47:53 AM

Minutes taken by Dave King.

Day one of Occupy Fredonia has gone quite well! Many of our logistics concerns have been addressed, but we still have a few things to take care of.

1. First and foremost, we need people to sign up for shifts during which they will be the "accountable person" for the occupation. The specific duties of the accountable person are written in the gazebo, including keeping an eye on the lockbox and electronics, inventory materials, handing out information, and dealing with intoxicated people. Keep in mind that in order for this to work as a 24-hour occupation, we need at least one person here overnight. We will be setting up a futon to sleep on. If you choose to sign up, make sure you write your contact information on the contact sheet in the gazebo.

2. We are looking for a first aid kit, small box for lost and found, and some chairs.

3. We will be setting up a mini-library for reading materials relevant to the Occupy Movement. Please write your name in any books you bring so they can be returned to you.

4. We created a Family-Friendly Activities Committee with Aaron as facilitator. There have been a few kids occupying today, and they add a lot of fun to the atmosphere.

5. The next General Assembly will be at 1PM tomorrow (Sunday) in the gazebo.

Another note to "accountable" people: stay peaceful at all times. Drunk people may come up to you and be hostile, but they are fairly easy to deal with. We have a no drug or alcohol policy, so ask them to leave and come back tomorrow if they wish to speak their voice. If you have any hesitance, talk to Andy White about dealing with difficult people. Also, keep in mind that the police station is right next to Barker Commons. If any troubles arise, the mayor would like to be notified as well, his contact info is available in the gazebo. Finally, if any police officer claims that camping on the Commons is illegal, just tell them that you're not camping, you're exercising your first amendment rights. We will be examining the exact wording of the camping ordinance over the next few days.