Contact Us

Our office hours are Monday through Thursday, 2:30 pm to 5:00 PM.  


Messages are checked Monday through Thursday, 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Outside these hours, your message may not be seen or replied to immediately.


If you need a hard copy hours request please email us or fill our the "Request Hours Report" form under the Request Documents tab. If you just need to know your number of hours, we ask that you write your name on the whiteboard next to the office whenever you tutor. 



Follow us on Instagram for updates about tutoring, special events and more. This is also a great way to get information fast and to get in contact when Oasis is closed.



Please feel free to call us if you are having trouble locating Oasis.

(Please do not use this number to report absenteeism)

Urgent Communication Oasis System

As a current tutor, you are asked to join our "Remind" texting system for urgent Oasis communications during the actual semester. Your phone number will be deleted at the end of the semester.