General Questions

What time is tutoring?

Tutoring is from 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm.

Do I have to stay the whole time?

Ideally, yes. With the way that our program is organized, tutors need to arrive on time and leave when dismissed. Leaving early is only permissible under certain circumstances; please contact us with any questions about your specific circumstance.

Do I need to know Spanish to tutor?

No. Knowledge of Spanish is not necessary to tutor, but there are opportunities to practice Spanish if you would like!

Am I automatically a tutor after filling out the registration form?

Almost! After you have completed the registration form, you need to complete an online background check and attend ONE session of orientation.  Information about these will be sent via email after you register online. 

What if I want to change the day I am registered to tutor?

If you would like to change they day you are tutoring, please let us know either over email or in-person. That way, you will be sure to get the most accurate announcements for your tutoring day over email, and we will have an accurate record of your attendance.

Can I come in on a day that I do not usually tutor?

Yes! As long as we have tutoring, you are welcome to come in to tutor on additional days even if it is not the day you normally come or are registered for. However, please keep in mind that you may not be tutoring your usual table.

What should I do if I cannot come in to tutor on my registered day?

Please let us know via email. This way, we will better know about how we should distribute tutors during the day. You may send us an email days in advance, or the same day of tutoring before tutoring begins.

Can I volunteer at Oasis for court-required hours?

No, Oasis is not authorized to sign off on community service hours that are court mandated.

Course Credit and Hours

I need a form signed. Who can sign it and when?

You may email the form to oasistutors@gmail.com or bring it in person (If the form is an hours log, please bring in a blank version so that we may fill it in with the most accurate times).  Sister Uyen-Chi will sign your form and send it back to you in a PDF.

How does my professor get my hours?

Oasis sends out progress reports containing hours at the end of each month. This only works if tutors list their professor(s) in the registration, so it is your responsibility to let us know who your professor(s) is and update us on any changes to avoid end of the semester challenges with your professor(s). 

Can you email me my hours?

No. Due to privacy issues, Oasis office does not email hours to tutors. However, you can request to know the amount of hours you have worked and we can show you in the office.

Can I drop-out my tutoring services once I complete my service-hours assignment?

You committed to tutoring once a week  for 10 weeks when you registered online. Unless there are extenuating and excused circumstances, your drop-out could be seen as you "abandoning" the kids that you've worked with.

I did not list the name of my professor at registration time: What can I do?

Please email us as soon as you become aware of the fact, so that we can edit your registration.

Can I get credit for multiple courses or professors? 

Yes, you may volunteer at Oasis to fulfill requirements for more than one professor or course a semester. However, you may not count the same hours for more than one professor or course. For example, if you need 10 hours for course A and 10 hours for course B, then you will need a total of 20 hours of service for your courses- you cannot complete 10 hours and count them for each course. "Double counting" hours may result in a serious honor code violation at your university. 


 Other Ways To Help Out

Other than tutoring, how else can I get involved?

We have seasonal drives, please email us at oasistutors@gmail.com to learn about any current drives.

You are also welcome to organize any sort of drive/fundraiser with your other organizations, just ask us about your proposal!

Moreover, various groups, sororities, and fraternities come to Oasis to do "Hands-On"  beautification and Oasis Center improvements. Contact us with your proposal of service at  oasistutors@gmail.com

Do you accept clothing or furniture donations?

Yes! We are always accepting used items in good condition such as: clothing, toys, furniture, kitchen wares, etc.

Please let us know if you have any other types of donations.

Was your question not answered here? 

If so, email us at oasistutors@gmail.com or message us on instagram @oasistutors and we will be happy to answer!