Pops Concert

Concert Information

What: The Final Concert of the Year!  We give out Awards/Letters and recognize the contributions of the seniors.  There is a combination of soloists and choirs during this concert.

Where: OHHS

Admission: Free!

When: May 23, 2024 at 6pm!

Solo Auditions:

The Dress Rehearsal is for solo acts only!

Concert Information:

Frequently Asked Questions about Auditions

When do the auditions begin?

What types of performances are allowed at Pops Concert?

What are things that make my audition stand out?

What are things to avoid?

How do I work with Mr. McCoy on my act?

Who can perform with me?

What is a “callback”?

When directors already know and work with you, what other things do they consider when choosing your soloists?
