All-Northwest and All-State Choir

To audition for All-State or All Northwest, students must be a member of Harbor Singers or Treble Choir. The auditions will be announced at the beginning of the year and will be after school or during lunch. If the students cannot come to the designated audition dates, they will not be allowed to reschedule. More information regarding audition requirements and dates will be given in class during the first few weeks of school.

Download Audition Packet: Audition Materials - please read carefully

This is not the application packet. These materials are being provided now for preparation purposes. The application instructions packet is available online at You must print THIS DOCUMENT and bring it with your $20 audition fee at the time of the audition. If you do not have your fee or your paperwork, you will not be allowed to audition.

Rehearsal Tracks are available here.

Program overview

WMEA All-State high school honor groups include Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Symphonic Choir, Treble Choir, Jazz Band and Jazz Choir. The entire application and audition process is done online by Mr. McCoy after you have recorded.

This will be in Bellevue for 2023.


In short, you must be my student and be enrolled all year in a music class. Those are the NAfME rules.


Application Fee: $20.00 due with application. All payments must be in the form of a check written to OHHS Choir. Please note that if a student anticipates needing financial assistance to participate if ultimately selected, application to access YME funds needs to be submitted by the audition close date of October 5. See the WMEA Young Musicians Excelling fund page for complete information.

$410.00 (subject to change) due immediately after notification of acceptance in late November. Participation fees cover all housing (four students per room), meals, evening events, on-site event transportation and administrative costs. Payment of registration fees must be processed through the student’s school. Limited financial assistance is available from the WMEA Young Musicians Excelling fund. Please see the separate page detailing that process.

Limited scholarships are available from the OHMY Music Boosters. If you need assistance, please e-mail

Transportation and Chaperones

You are in charge of finding your own transportation. Mr. McCoy will help facilitate an onsite chaperone.