Media Frenzy



Subject: For Owen and Bill Wilson - Media Frenzy

Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 09:37:13 +1200

Bill this is all stuff you know, Owen has a huge opportunity to get on top of all this and define the issue but he is missing the point by taking the personal attacks as real and wasting his imperative after investing so much time and effort to date. This is baptism of fire so to speak.

1) NZ conducts Media campaigns all the time, Quit Smoking, Its Not OK, Drug Driving are three recent examples of using the Media , Government funded no less, to educate and engender support for legislation that will impinge on human rights but garnering enough support to claim a mandate or majority in order to do so. We "accept it" because the causes are "good, just and sensible", we don't look at the method as dangerous and manipulating because we perceive this "good cause" to be the excuse. We have evidence smoking and drugs are bad. We can proceed to eradicate them on this basis. However the "evidence" for Duluth is shown to be unscientific, not related to usual Psychological understanding and Unethical in its Patient Practitioner relationships.

This technique is from Goebbels 1930's campaigns of having images of sewer rats compared to Jews and mobilising the majority of Germans to enact a "Crystal Nacht", a night when the population was so motivated by the exposure to government propaganda that they then mobilised en masse to destroy any Jewish business in Germany. Its a lesson we all were taught, but abruptly dismiss as happening here right under our noses, right now even as we speak.

People passionately believe what they're told, educated intelligent people are just as susceptible in many cases as are many of the "DV Industry supporters" who Owen will have absolutely no trouble identifying NOW.

2) DV is an Industry, it is an emotive Ponzi scheme that has leveraged a form or Political Unity and Ideology and been harnessed as a vehicle for funding, research, support organisations, submissions, reviews, legislative changes, in fact a near endless list of income opportunities, IT JUST NEEDS MORE RESERCH TO SOLVE we are constantly told.

Owen has been captivated by this seductive ploy to maintain the status quo.

No Government wants to admit it has implemented legislation that denies human rights, isn't based on scientific research, is an emotive lynch mob reaction, and worsens the process of separation and exposes children to far more opportunities for disharmony and abuse than the previously existing situation before this programme was adopted.

3) Right now Owen has stumbled into a Crystallising Moment to define the issue for what it is, self interested people and organisations unwilling to loose funding. He is experiencing the Character assignations, rumours , doubts and backlash of an uneducated, manipulated, irrational and emotive groups and individuals that are desperately trying to preserve their respective positions.

Owen could do well to expose them of this. I'm sure by now you have enough perspective and information to demonstrate all of this.

The law has a concept of Fiat Lux, let the light shine, and allow people to see what is hidden. It takes some courage to turn on the lights in some circumstances.

3) The so called DV issue is not solvable by research because it is a Political fiction. What needs to be resolved is why we allow ourselves to be captivated by "tautology and pseudo science".

Owen has the resources, experience and capability to run a campaign to out the DV Industry and do some real good for the country, far more than by his bottom up researched based endeavours to date.

I, like many others thank him for his efforts to date and only have encouragement and support to offer him in this unexpected journey he now finds himself embarked upon and say to him "nihlis illegitimi carborundum", don't let the bastards grind you down.

Christopher Smith