Meeting Note 1 April 2014

Post date: Oct 15, 2009 8:20:38 PM

St Peters Steering Group meeting

Held on Tues 01/04/14 at Community Hub Melbourne Avenue after the NW Chelmsford Action Group meeting

Present: Cllr Stephen Robinson, Cllr Jude Deakin, Rev. Paul Greenland, Debbie Willson, Lynne Foster. In attendance: Carl Hockey (CHP) David Thompson (CHP's architect)

1. Development of the site – a plan was produced and an in-depth discussion took place of various alternatives, including means of access to the site and the number of affordable homes that could be produced, what income this would provide for Essex CC and therefore what funds might be available for further development, e.g. of community facilities on the site. There was also discussion of the potential other users of the site e.g. special school provision. The need for playing fields and changing rooms was also mentioned.

ECC need to decide how much of the site is available for housing and community use. It is hoped that disposal will be agreed by late summer.

SR will talk to ECC re. what part of the site is needed for schools and pass any relevant info to CH .

Carl H/DT will do a feasibility study of the site and then discuss remit with Anna Dawson, consultant for ECC - who is responsible for disposals. It might also be useful for CH/DT to talk to Roger Hirst who is the ECC cabinet member for property as he has to produce £45 million from disposals. This may influence price of the site and what income is needed. They will also speak to Highways as part of this process in case there are restrictions on access (felt to be doubtful)

2. Establishment of formal organisation

There was also discussion of the most appropriate legal entity to be used to carry forwards this project, in order to be able to apply for funding for the community facility. SR reported on a briefing session attended a year ago by a number of interested parties and a training session he had attended in the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

The advice was that, to be charitable and inclusive as possible, the traditional local charity model was the place to start, with Community Interest Company and/or CIO to be considered at a later date.

Paul Greenland agreed to be treasurer of whatever organisation was formed.

LF to keep circulation list – SR to forward to her.

LF to organise a meeting of those on the circulation list asap as public meeting will need to be held before 5/7

Time and Date of next meeting

Friday 9th May 10.00am St Andrews Church