22 Aug 2014 - report

Post date: Sep 17, 2014 2:46:40 PM

The North Chelmsford Community Trustees met on Friday 22nd August 2014

1. Present: Stephen Robinson (SR, Chair) Paul Greenland (PG, Treasurer) Lynne Foster (LF, Secretary) Jude Deakin(JD) Apologies : Jill Smith Hughes

    1. Review of Public Meeting - PG had chaired the Trustees reviewed the meeting, which is reported on by a separate article.

    2. Keeping in touch: Agreed that that all possible methods of communication and engagement will have to be used for the various age and interest groups to be kept up to date, including CHP newsletter, Hub noticeboard, church magazines, leaflets via schools etc.

    3. Grant Funding SR will to apply to Essex Community Initiatives fund and to ‘Locality’ for funding for assistance with a feasibility study.

    4. Possible members: LVF to contact one of the sign-ups to check her email address and to ask CSVA for details of charitable organisations active in the area so that we can inform them of our existence and interest in the area.

    5. Site Visits : 2 visits had been undertaken, by Trustees and County Councillors. News received of the newly vacant post of Director of Education; not sure if this will impact on plans for the St Peters site, or on the timetable for decisions re disposal and re-use. City Council Planners had agreed to get the planning brief updated by the end of August. SR will begin chasing if not received.

Disappointing that only four of the nine Chelmsford county councillors had attended the visit. SR would attempt to update them all separately.

7. Bank Account: St Andrews is to be the registered office for the Community Trust for banking purposes. It was agreed the current trustees would be the trustees of the bank account. The creation of the bank account was progressing well.

8. Parish councils. There was some funding available to investigate the creation of parish councils in unparished areas such as north Chelmsford . However any funding received had to be spent by Mar 31st, which would not be possible. Therefore it was agreed to ‘park’ this till next year. Creation of a parish has advantages re receipt of any “community contribution” funds from developers on new building in the locality.

9. Newlands Spring: SR would contact Newlands Spring CA re. co-operation.

10. Time and Date of next meetings. Sept 16th 11-12.30