KINOSHITA, Renzo & Sayoko

Renzō Kinoshita (木下蓮三, 1936 - 1997)

Sayoko Kinoshita (木下小夜子, b. 1945)


  • Deneroff, Harvey. "Renzo Kinoshita: A Talk with Miyasan Sadao Miyamoto." 1.11. AWN. (February 1997): 50-52. (pdf)
  • Faber, Liz and Helen Walters. "Renzo and Sayoko Kinoshita." Animation Unlimited: Innovative Short Films Since 1940. 2004: 162-3.
  • Ikeda, Yoshiko. "A Self-Portrait of Japan and the Japanese of the 1970s: Interpretations of Renzo and Sayoko Kinoshita's Animated Films." Regioninės Studijos. (April 2010): 91-106.
  • Munroe Hotes, Catherine. "Pica-don (ピカドン, 1978)." Nishikata Film Review. 28 January 2010.
  • Munroe Hotes, Catherine. "Renzo Kinoshita: Self Portrait (1989)." Nishikata Film Review. 18 October 2010.
  • Munroe Hotes, Catherine. "Renzo and Sayoko Kinoshita." Nishikata Film Review. 2 January 2009.
  • Robinson, Chris. "East Meets Too Much West?: A Chat with Sayoko Kinoshita." AWN. 1 December 2000.
  • Shimizu, Kenji. "Sayoko Kinoshita: Hiroshima anime festival celebrates 30 years of love, peace." The Asahi Shimbun. 23 August 2014.
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