Lấy lại Tab "VantagePoint Excel Add-in"

Ngày đăng: 08:51:21 14-01-2019

Thỉnh thoảng đôi lúc Excel add-in vantagepoint bị biến mất khỏi tab của excel.

Dưới đây là các cách lấy lại, các bạn cứ thử từ từ. Cách 4 là mình mò thử được !!!

VantagePoint Excel Add-in Disappear

Sometime it has been noticed that VantagePoint Add-in in excel has disappear. To enable the add-in follow the procedure:

Cách 1:

Make sure that no other add-ins are enabled other than Incuity one. The PI add-ins tend to conflict and can be disabled this time.

Open excel. Go to excel “Options”. Click on Add-Ins.

Go to Manage dropbox, select “disabled items” and click “Go…” button

If the Incuity Add-Ins in the list, go ahead and enable.

Close excel and re-open it. Volia!!!

If the above steps did not resolve the issue, proceed with these steps.

Cách 2:

Open excel. Go to Options > Add-Ins.

Find Incuity.Functions, highlight it and click on the “Automation” button.

Find Incuity.Functions class in the list and click OK.

A prompt windows appears asking to replace the existing one and select YES.

If the above steps did not resolve the issue, proceed with these steps.

Cách 3:

Open the registry (regedit from Start > Run) and check the following keys for the values listed below:

That’s it!!! Volia!!!.

Cách 4: