
by Hy Kempler

I live a different rhythm now

The morning alarm doesn’t signal a

Rising reflex, just the arrival of day

I play on machines that yank

Muscles and tendons, hoping

They’ll stay strong longer

The mind and the soul, like invisible instruments,

Get tuned—read, write, and ponder

The ultimate

There are recurrent shopping trips

Where I hunt for bargains and fiddle

With plastic bags

I’m a laundry man, an expert

On detergents, lint balls and dryer


Still dreams of old collegial contact

Fill the night with yesterdays


I live a different rhythm, now


Hy Kempler, PhD, was a clinical psychologist and on the adjunct faculty of several universities. Since joining HILR in 2000, he led study groups on aging and the mind/body connection. Active in Jewish organizations, he loves golf and biking.