
We would like to offer thanks first to Maurice Stein. His suggestion to begin our research with ourselves became the basic framework for our work together. He expanded our capacity to think more creatively about the possibilities for exploring the meanings of life for our age group.

Our sincere appreciation also goes to Dean Michael Shinagel, Assistant Dean Leonie Gordon, and the Council of HILR, particularly President Anne Pirrera, for supporting our efforts in many ways.

Thanks to Dick Rubinstein and the late Eric Kurtz for designing our website. Their help provided an effective computer system for handling our communication with each other and reducing the reams of paper.

We can’t thank our editor Wayne Ishikawa enough for his time, energy, and expertise. His insights added fresh perspectives and clarity to this book and beyond.

We are grateful to Ilavenil Subbiah, whose graceful touch made our volume both beautiful and inviting.

Special thanks to Barbara Davis Design Consultants for creative overview.

Finally, thanks to the membership of HILR, many of whom are represented in this volume, and others who have engaged in dialogue with us in study groups and more informal conversations. It is from our peers, who both share our challenges and offer diverse pathways, that we learned so much.

Peg Senturia

Stan Davis

Hy Kempler

Prudence King

Rhoada Wald, Editors
