
1. Next steps for New Pathways

All HILR members are invited to a Friday morning workshop,

Keep on Trucking: Aging with Grace

April 30, 10 to12 in the Common Room.

Bring your own ideas and join the conversation as we plan together the next steps for New Pathways at HILR. Four recent brown bag lunches generated fresh topics and more participants. (Humor and Aging, anyone?)

We will explore starting various short-term groups—for open conversation, writing, book or film discussion, curriculum design and more. You can make a commitment for as little as four to six meetings and start this summer or in the fall.

We need you. Think about subjects that intrigue you. Join us in leading New Pathways to the next phase. Questions? Contact Peg Senturia or Rhoada Wald.

2. Aging in America Conference

The HILR Council sent Hy Kempler, Peg Senturia, and Rhoada Wald, editors of New Pathways for Aging, to Chicago March 15 to 18 to present an hour-long workshop at the Aging in America Conference. They described what they’ve learned about fostering writing, learning and community. Jean Bonney went to represent the Council.

The New Pathways workshop was part of a day-long session on lifetime education and renewal, where they were able to exchange ideas with people from other organizations.

The five-day conference, attended by 4000 professionals working with older adults, was sponsored by the American Society on Aging and the National Council on Aging.

This is a new version of our website, with many added features, including all the chapters from the book, descriptions of courses, and ideas on implementation. Many thanks to Dick Rubinstein for his technical and design help.

We will continue to improve it and welcome your suggestions.

Comments? Join the conversation.