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Reflections on the Last Frontier of the Learning Society by Michael Shinagel

The Power of Community by Leonie Gordon



Identity by Hy Kempler

Begin Again by Stan Davis

Playing the Hand by Jane Weingarten

My Obsessions Return by David Rich

Letting Go of the Past, Embracing the Present by Elenore Freedman

Endings and Beginnings by Hy Kempler

Changing by Hy Kempler

The Culture of Aging

The Culture of Aging by Rhoada Wald

Retirement and Relocation: Adventure and Challenge

by Rhoada Wald

My Operation by Sigi Tishler

Living Lightly by Antonia Woods

Judgment Day by Fran Vaughan

Attitude by Peter Kugel

Together by Geraldine Zetzel

Leading and Learning

Leading and Learning by Stan Davis

A Gift: A Conversation with Maurice Stein by Maurice Stein and Stan Davis

Excerpts from a Journal by Peg Senturia

The Music of Lifelong Learning: Con Moto, Espressivo by Sigi Tishler

Staying Intoxicated by Mitch Cohen

Transformations by Fran Vaughan


Community by Prudence King and Peg Senturia

Separate Worlds by Ellie Porter

Old Dogs, New Tricks? by Charles Allen

Coming Full Circle by Lillian Broderick

Discovery by Ross Neisuler

Sanibel Island by Peg Senturia

Living with Mortality

Living with Mortality by Rhoada Wald

Life after Life by Dolores Murphy

Memory Loss by Stan Davis

No Regrets: A Life of Passion and Poetry

by Patricia Anne Hogan

Harbinger by Sidney Greenleaf

On Becoming a Patient by Lillian Broderick

The Relay: Passing the Baton by Prudence King


Where Are We Going?


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