- Where Did We Really Come From

Where Did We Really Come From? 

Evidence points to the fact that our earth was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago.  Its atmosphere at that time was extremely hot and it contained very little oxygen but what it lacked in oxygen it made up for in an abundance of water vapor and other gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen. 

Roughly 3.9 billion years ago earth finally cooled down enough for all of the water vapor that was present to condense, accumulate and over millions of years, formed the Earths oceans. It was in these oceans that life on this planet first began. Organic molecules which contained carbon began to take form. Energy from the sun and the lightning that violently streaked through the sky combined with the remaining heat of our planet to trigger chemical reactions. These chemical reactions produced miniscule organic molecules from matter that was present in the atmosphere. Over time these tiny molecules organized into complex organic molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.

Over the course of our early evolution and due primarily to the chemicals and radiation still present on the earth at that early age, changes referred to as mutations in the genetic code of early organisms started to occur. Over the course of time these changes in the genetic code were either kept or removed by a process which we call natural selection. The organisms that manage to survive here on earth handed its traits down to its offspring and over billions of years these changes accumulated and other species evolved which were completely different than any of its ancestors resulting in the entirety of earths population. Over the course of our evolution these early cells evolved into the millions of species of organisms that have ever resided on this planet and eventually led to our early ancestors, Homo Erectus.


Roughly 430,000 years ago our alien brothers from the planet 'Nibiru', the race known as the Anunaki, first visited our planet and settled in the Middle East area. The 'Sumerian Aliens Theory' postulates that the Annunaki travelled to this planet to mine gold and minerals which were of short supply on their home world of Nibiru. Finding Homo Erectus, our early ancestors, already inhabiting the planet the Annunaki enlisted them to help with the mining efforts.

Approximately 250,000 years ago the Annunaki began splicing Homo Erectus and Anunnaki genes together to create the Homo Sapien species that we are part of today. The first Homo Sapien civilization (The Sumerians) was set up in Mesopotamia under the guidance of the Annunaki and was slowly allowed to spread throughout the rest of the world.

As we multiplied and became too numerous population control became a problem. In an attempt to control the growth of the human population the Anunnaki allowed a giant flood, produced when their home world of Nibiru passed back through our solar system approximately 12,500 years ago on one of its periodic 3,600 year orbital returns, to wipe out a significant portion of the human population. What humans remained were used to construct many of the structures found in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and eventually to South and Central America. They have never left us and have been guiding our evolution over the millennia in an attempt to help us move away from seperation, war and fear and closer to a galactic society of unity, peace and love.

Many alien/human hybrids were created over the millenia to act as prophets to help guide and teach the human race. One such hybrid was the prophet Jesus who had been artificially inseminated into the human Mary roughly two-thousand years ago and who's story is told in the Christian Bible.

Why Are We Here?

Our purpose in life is quite simply to give our life purpose. One of the greatest things I ever heard anyone say was this quote by John Lennon. "When I was 5 years old my mother told me that happiness was the meaning of life. When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up? I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment. I told them they didn't understand life."

It really is that simple. All of the pain, strife, confusion and self sacrifice that religion thrives on is simply not necessary. We must remember that we are one with all things on this earth whether it be a fish, a butterfly or a blade of grass. All things contain the same initial building blocks for life and it is for this reason that we can consider ourselves brothers and sisters with the world and all things in it.

This path of ultimate awareness has no point of arrival because there is no clear destination. There is only the journey. Our travels through eternity affords us certain experiences so that we may remember who it is that we actually are. To gain clarity on all of this we must push well outside our comfort zones and destroy all of the barriers that imprison us in the familiar and which leave us feeling quite stagnant.

 The only thing we as the human race should strive for is clarity. Clarity about who we are, where we came from and what lies before us. We shouldn't try to search for meaning as we need to understand that so much of the universe is completely unknowable. The clarity we seek involves only our own steps as we attempt to gain this wisdom from our human experiences with one another until we realize that our purpose in life is to simply 'be'. This frees us from striving for one specific end result and we can relax in the confidence that we are able to focus on the moment... the place of ultimate power.

We can not become the Master as long as we we are weak and unbalanced. If we feel unbalanced we are missing the one truth... that everything is perfect and that we have everything we require to fulfill our lifes purpose. 


Planet X - Nibiru 

Evidence shows that there is another planet in our solar system and that this planet is where our ancestors lived and thrived? This civilization changed the course of human history?  After years of denial by the scientific community it has now become a common prevailing belief that this planet does indeed exist within our solar sytem. This planet dubbed Nibiru by ancient texts up to 6,000 years old  is where, according to the ancient Sumerians, the race of beings known as the Annunaki originated from. According to leading expert and author on the subjectm, Zecharia Sitchin, he postulates that the presence of this planet holds not only the key to our past but to our future as well. Nibiru orbits the sun in an elliptical pattern as noted in the diagram below which takes it far past pluto at its furthest point and closer to the sun in the asteroid belt at it closest. It has been formulated that because of this enormous elliptical orbit it takes roughly 3600 years for Nibiru to complete one orbital journey. By passing so close to earth it allowed the inhabitants of Nibiru, the Annunaki, to interact with the human race. These beings supposedly became mans first "God's" as detailed in the ancient Sumerian texts. Before his passing in 2010 Sitchin published a book titled 'End of Days' which stated the view that Nibiru last past close to the earth around 556BC. Using the 3,600 year orbital time frame this would bring this lost planet close to earth once again around 2900AD. There are many that would say that NASA is purposefully covering up any evidence of Nibiru's existence. These conspiracy claims were bolstered in 1983 when The Infrared Space Observatory made headlines after discovering that some unknown object possibly as large as Jupiter could be part of this solar system. Mainstream astronomers have speculated that there may be a planet beyond the orbit of Jupiter that could account for the anomolies detected in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. In June 1982 the New York Times reported that there was a gravitational force pulling on both Neptune and Uranus causing mass irregularities in their orbits. Astonomers are so certain of this planets existence they have already named it Planet X or the 10th planet. According to The Washington Post "A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby 'protostar' that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through." In 1999 MSNBC reported that "Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets... Planetary scientist at Britain's Open University, speculates that the object could be a planet larger than Jupiter." To further bolster the evidence Discovery News reported in 2001 that "The discovery of a large reddish chunk of something orbiting in Pluto's neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in the solar system." If the Sumerains of ancient times were aware of this planet as well as its elliptical orbit then how were they able to ascertain this data when we have only very recently  become technologically capable of doing this ourselves? How did the ancient Sumerians know that earth was the 7th planet? Most have heard earth referred to as the thrird planet from the sun but if you are entering the galaxy from a different solar sytem we are not the third planet from the sun but the 7th planet in. If not told this information by a more enlightened and technologically advance race then how did the Sumerians receive this knowledge? According to the ancient Sumerians they received the gift of knwoledge from their Gods the Annunaki who supposedly escaped their planet seeking refuge on earth. Around 300,000 years ago the Annunaki decided to create a race of slave workers by genetically manipulating the DNA of the primates inhabiting earth creating the modern Homo Sapien. The story eventually reads that at some point the Annunaki left, probably to return to Nibiru for the next 3,600 year orbit. They left leadership of earth to the humans until their orbit brings them close enough to earth to return once again. 

This diagram shows the proposed  orbital position of Nibiru, or planet X, as it circles the sun. 

Diagram showing Nibiru's path when it reaches close Earth orbit. It passes just outside the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. 

Ancient Sumerian tablet showing their understanding that the planets in our solar system circle the sun. How did they obtain this knowledge and please note the extra planet shown in orbit. 

Another Sumerian tablet showing the Annunaki arriving on earth in a disc shaped vehicle. Please note the seven planets to the left of the tablet. Seven planets were the Sumerian symbol for Earth (the 7th planet as you travel into the solar system.) 



There are countless Annunaki prophets and teachers throughout time that have helped and guided the evolution of mankind. We will list a few examples in this section starting with Zarathustra who lived approx. 2,600 years ago. One afternoon Zarathustra was traveling somewhere near modern day Iran when he had a 'divine' encounter that eventually led to the major form of monotheism, predating the Egyptian, Hebrew and Christian forms of monotheism. The Zoroastrian texts from this time, called the Avesta, tell of how Zarathrusta had his divine encounter on top of a mountain that was shrouded in clouds and bathed in an ethereal light. When we take a closer look at the description of  Zarathustra's encounter what is evident is that we have a human being which comes into contact with a non-human intelligence, what is today referred to as

an alien encounter. 

The Oracle of Delphi is the most well known oracles from ancient times. There was a temple dedicated to Apollo in Delphi that became the actual seat for the oracle where she could be found sitting on a tall, three-legged seat over an opening in the earth, where  vapors rising from the ground would put her into some sort of trance.Thefunction of the Oracle was to channel the God Apollo and for more than a thousand years, the oracle and her successors gave advice to everyone from emperors and generals to poets and politicians. They played a very important role in the life of man as it seemed that all life revolve around the Oracle and she predicted in accurate detail everything from the Trojan War wo the slughter of the 300 Spartans at Themopylae. How was it possible for the Oracle to predict such events in the history of man? Is it possible she as well as her succesors were connected to some extraterrestrial source that could predict the future quite accuratelly? Was this alien (Annunaki) source the God they knew as Apollo?

In the ninth century BC, prophet Elijah had numerous encounters with the Annunaki. He was given prophetic warnings of drought and cataclysm and it is Elijah who predicted the drought that lay waste to Israel and caused mass starvation. In Elijah’s final meeting with 'God', as written in Second Book of Kings in the christian Bible, Elijah “goes up by a whirlwind” into the heavens by what is described as a fiery, horse-drawn chariot. Elijah tealks of a spinning object with something that was described as a “beam” that takes him into the “Heavens”. What is being described here is the description of and extraterrestrial encounter with the Annunaki who then proceeded in instructing and teaching him. 

Looking at the third chapter of the Book of Exodus, Moses and his encounter with the Annunaki is described when he encounters a burning bush. 'God' spoke to Moses through this fiery bush and he was a given a mission to liberate the Hebrews trapped in Egypt. In this day and age we know that burning bushes do not communicate with people but Moses was a very primitive man and knew nothing of technology but is it possible that this bush was simply a technological creation, maybe some form of unmanned sphere carrying a message? When the Israelites began their exodus, it is in the northeastern region of the Nile Delta where Moses had his second encounter with the Annunaki and an amazing object in the sky that "went before them by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire."  The Hebrew people followed this object, and it is clear that each time this object “lands” they would stop and camp, when the object ascended again they would break camp and resume and follow it. It is apparant that this object was leading the people. This 'pillar' is described as being cylindrical in shape and constructed of solid material which this makes encounter fit perfectly with the UFO reports of modern day. it is quite possible that our ancient ancestors, based on their primitive knowledge, may have confused a gleaming Annunaki ship as a bright cloud in the sky and a brightly lit alien ship as a fiery pillar in the night? 

Lets examine Jesus Christ, the most popular religious teacher in our history. Evidence points to the fact that Jesus was a genetically engineered human/alien hybrid created to teach the primitive races of earth lessons on love and tolerance. Actually all of the Gods of earths ancient religions appear to have been alien in nature. Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity are all based on extraterrestrial beings interacting with humans, displaying technology, and being mistaken as "gods" by primitive humans and Jesus was no different. Even though they had yet to find out about his alien nature, every early Christian group knew that  there was something about Jesus that was not of this world. No group, not even the “heretics,” of the day believed that Jesus Christ was merely a mortal man. Below we will take a look at a few events in Jesus life that point to his alien origin. 

Lets examine the conception of Jesus for a moment. As was covered in an earlier post it would seem to me to be  plausible that Mary may have been a victim of alien abduction, stolen away in the night with no memory of the abduction and no clues that it even happened. Was this an artificial insemination procedure to create a human/alien hybrid? It is hypothesized that angels visited Mary in what she perceived as a dream. The aliens artificially inseminated Mary with  alien sperm producing  the first alien-human hybrids.  Because of this alien DNA infused with his own human DNA Jesus inherently knew the laws of nature and the basis of good/evil. 

Investigating the actual birth of Jesus it is here that we find yet another mention of an extraterestrial flying vehicle. Other extraterrestrial influences surrounding the birth of Jesus include the star of Bethlehem which signaled the location of Jesus's birth. It is believed that the star was in fact a UFO, which guided the wisemen to their location.  When you translate Wise men from the Greek language its context means astologer or astronomer. 

Between the birth of Jesus and his ministry which he began at the age of thrity there is very little known about where he was or what he did during this time. Could this have possibly been of instruction and training in the technology he would use to create his "miracles", exorcisms, the curing of the sick as well as the raising of the dead? 

The final proof that Jesus was no ordinary human and of possible alien origin would be the  physical resurrection of Christ  mentioned in all four of the Gospels. Mark tells us that Jesus was beaten by and treated rather brutally by Roman guards who crowned him with thorns and crucified him at the ninth hour (3pm). The story says that his body was wrapped in fine linen. This cloth today is said to have a miraculous imprint of the broken and bleeding body of Christ.  The remains of this cloth make up the  famous Shroud of Turin. The events surrounding the resurrection read like a supernatural novel.The Jewish Council trembled when they head the news of the empty tomb.  They heard the accounts of how a being in “snow-white” cloths with a light on its head as bright as morning descended down from heaven in a cloud. This "alien" then proceeded to move away the immense stone that blocked the tomb’s entrance. The mysterious being in white later vanishes into the skies as quickly as he appeared. When the resurrected Jesus appeared to the faithful he had apparantly undergone quite a transformation.  It is said by witnesses that Jesus allowed himself to be seen in several places simultaneously. Jesus's ascension occured on the Mount of Olive and it is written that it was accompanied by thunder that rumbled across the entire mountain as a chariot descended from the clouds. Jesus entered the celestial vessel and the discples watched in awe as the vehicle rose higher into the heavens. Could this have been Jesus's return to the mothership? 


Biblical References To The Annunaki 

We dont put much credence in the overall message of the Bible but it is valuable in the fact that it is a verifiable ancient text and does seem to mention many UFO encounters. I will dedicate this section to some of the bible verses that allude to the subject of alien visitation/intervention. I would like to start off by mentions Ezekial. More specifically Ezekial 1:3-21 which states "3.)The word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was there upon him. 4.) As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud with a fire enveloping it and flashing continually; a brightness was about it and out of the midst of it there seemed to glow amber metal, out of the midst of the fire.  5.) And out of the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures [or cherubim]. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man,  6.) But each one had four faces and each one had four wings.  7.) And their legs were straight legs, and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot, and they sparkled like burnished bronze.  8.) And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides. And the four of them had their faces and their wings thus:  9.) Their wings touched one another; they turned not when they went but went every one straight forward. 10.) As for the [a]likeness of their faces, they each had the face of a man [in front], and each had the face of a lion on the right side and the face of an ox on the left side; the four also had the face of an eagle [at the back of their heads]. 11.) Such were their faces. And their wings were stretched out upward [each creature had four wings]; two wings of each one were touching the [adjacent] wing of the creatures on either side of it, and [the remaining] two wings of each creature covered its body. 12.) And they went every one straight forward; wherever the spirit would go, they went, and they turned not when they went.  13.) In the midst of the living creatures there was what looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning. 14.) And the living creatures darted back and forth like a flash of lightning. 15.) Now as I was still looking at the living creatures, I saw one wheel upon the ground beside each of the living creatures with its four faces.  16.) As to the appearance of the wheels and their construction: in appearance they gleamed like chrysolite; and the four were formed alike, and their construction work was as it were a wheel within a wheel. 17.) When they went, they went in one of their four directions without turning [for they were faced that way.  18.) As for their rims, they were so high that they were dreadful, and the four had their rims full of eyes round about.  19.) And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.  20.) Wherever the spirit went, the creatures went and the wheels rose along with them, for the spirit or life of the [four living creatures acting as one] living creature was in the wheels.  21.) When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up high beside them, for the spirit or life of the [combined] living creature was in the wheels."  This is one of the most amazing descriptions of a UFO/alien encounter that I have ever read and other Hebrew and Christian Testaments also contain similar accounts of other prophets, including Elijah, Isaiah, Noah, Abraham, Enoch and Jesus. All of these prophets had major influence in their ancient societies. They were the carriers of the word and the will of the Annunaki. Throughout the course of history these prophets produced evidence that ther are “higher” beings that instruct the world, helping create the civilization we know today.

A Sampling of Scripture 

Isaiah 66:5  "For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire."

Jeremiah 4:13 "Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.

Zechariah 6:1 "And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass."

In Exodus we learn that there is an escort that accompanies the travelers and this escort  is referred to as a "pillar of a  cloud" by day and a "a pillar of fire" by night.  The word pillar's meaning is translated as a standing column or a platform. What do we know in regards to this 'platform'? We know that in Exodus 14:19 this platform came directly between the travellers and the pursuing army.  Later in Exodus it is written that this platform harrassed the Egyptian Army and that the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud. It is also described how the Lord ascended on Mount Sinai with great lights beaming into the night sky which shook the entire mountain. We know from Exodus 20:18 that this cloud decends, hovers and ascends and later in Exodus 33 God is said to have broadcast his voice from this same cloud. It is even mentioned in the book of Numbers that the people followed this platform/cloud wherever it led them and it was always there with them. It was said to have provided shade, protecting the people and scouting ahead for places that the Hebrews could rest.  

The incident commonly known as the Transfiguration is an account of a meeting that Jesus and three of the apostles had which involved a hovering, bright craft and two beings from that craft. Transfiguration means to change the appearance of someone or somethiing.  The question we must ask is what caused the change? Lets take a look at the entire incident. Jesus is up on a mountain preceding his crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. The apostle accompanying him are awakened from their sleep. They notice that there is a bright object hovering above and that Jesus had suddenly turned a glowing white color. Two 'men' appear and discuss his impending death with Jesus and then these beings are taken back up into this object. What could have caused Jesus's transfiguration into the light that was, as Paul desribed it in Acts 22 as being "brighter than the sun... " I believe this effect was caused by a light shining down (think helicopter search light) causing everything to turn white. This is also described in UFO sightings across history and throughout time.  

In the first chapter of Revelation God presents to John a futuristic vision which reads: "... Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end saith the Lord. I, Johns, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the Isle that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the spirit of the Lords day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet. saying 'I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last and what thou seest write in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia. I turned to see the voice that spake unto me and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks. In the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head was white like wool. as white as snow and even his eyes were as a flame of fire. And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace and his voice the sound of many waters. He had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two edges sword and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. When I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he lasi his right hand upon me saying unto me 'fear not, I am the first and the last. I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore ad have the keys of hell and death. Write these things which thou hast seen and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter...." This is an interesting verse that can be interpreted in many different ways but I prefer to interpret it as yet another alien visitation. 

If you read the second and sixth chapters of 2 Kings you will read about how Elijah and Elisha encounter many fire chariots in the sky as Elijah is lifted up in one of these chariots as if in a wirlwind. It is also written about how they defeat and army pursuing them with the help of some strange fleet of flying objects. 


Alien Technology in the Ancient World 

In this section we will investigate the technology, or rather the lack of technology, in ancient times as well as advances in modern times which could be attributed to alien influences. In ancient times technology as we know it today was non-existent. Romans of that day did develop sophisticated agriculture advancements, stonemasonry technology, military engineering, and civil engineering. They also developed water power through  aqueduct technology using it not just for drinking supplies but also for irrigation as well as mining. Roman engineers built great arches, ampitheatres, public baths and domes on a massive scale across their Empire. This was their technology. They knew nothing of electricity or any form of technology outside of the realm that was possible based on their knowledge at that time. Naturally it would stand to reason that any form of technology encountered by the people of that day that was well above their knwoledge would have naturally been attributed to God. Great clouds with lights in the sky could not have been a flying craft, they knew nothing of these things, the only explanation their primitive minds could think up was that it must be God. If I were to travel back in time to Jesus's day equipped with a battery powered cd player and a flashlight I would have most certainly been worshipped as a God. According to the understanding their primitive minds offered up to them who other than a God could make beautiful music appear as if from nowhere and  harness the power of light with his hand. We know the technology of these things today but back then I would have surely been praised for my supernatural powers. Lets take Noah's ark for example. Is it at all possible that Noah's Ark was not a large wooden boat built by one man to house two of every species of animal on the planet but rather an ancient craft, a DNA bank so to speak which housed the DNA of two of every species on the planet? I will take this opportunity to talk for a moment about a tribe of people on an island off the coast of Japan during the 1940's. These people were living in grass huts and hunting with spears. They knew nothing of any forms of technology and had never been exposed to the outside world. The United States Air Force thought that this little island would make a good jumping off point for attacks on mainland Japan and sent our planes to land there to set up an airstrip. The natives on this island saw our planes coming down from the sky and figured we must be Gods. They worshipped our pilots and their flying machines and a whole religion based on these events sprung up about the Gods who came from the sky. That religion persists to this day and pilgrimages take place each year to the site of the broken down planes we left on that island. Gifts are left in honor of the Gods. If something like that could to happen in somewhat modern times would it be so hard to believe that the same thing may have occured in Jesus's day? Could UFO's and alien technology have been mistaken for divine power? It certainly deserves some thought. Now I would like to focus on specific instances mentioned in the bible where alien technology could very well have been mistaken for divine power. There are literally hundreds of references in the bible to flying vehicles, futuristic weaponry and extremely advanced technology. The alien beings of the Bible, or "God" if you prefer to call them, are shown to have posessed and implemented advanced technology that allowed them to take flight in vehicles which were described by biblical witnesses to be very similar to what we would call a UFO sighting today. The church has constantly made the decision to disregard the evidence that supports this theory but the constant appearnaces of flying craft all the way throughout the bible definitely lends creedence to the thought that these flying craft seemed to be preferred method of transportation for God as well as all of the angels.  This divine form of transportation, or UFO, was there during the exodus as well as the birth and baptism of Jesus. It appeared during the resurrection and ascension. It is repeatedly described over and over again as rising, descending, hovering, spinning, flashing and glowing. It was also foretold that when Jesus described his earthly return he said he would be in charge of an over twenty thousand strong fleet of flying vehicles to effectively retake control of the planet. 

One of the most obvious examples of alien technology used in ancient times is The Shroud of Turin. The shroud is basically a two-tone negative, front to back, full body image of a man on cloth. It is supposedly the burial cloth of Jesus Christ and the blood stains on the cloth are consistent with the brutal beating of Jesus described in the Gospels. The question in my mind has always been 'How did this image appear on this particular cloth when the technology that had to be used to complete a forgery had yet to be discovered. Even to this date and with 21st century technology we still can not find a way to replicate the shroud. Researchers from the National Agency for New Technologies say that such technology was far beyond the capabilities of anyone who would want to attempt such a forgery in that day and age stating that, "The results show that a short and intense  burst of UV directional radiation can color a linen cloth so as to reproduce  many of the peculiar characteristics of the body image on the Shroud of Turin." A statement by lead researcher, Dr. Paolo Di Lazzaro, said that, "This degree of power cannot be reproduced  by any normal UV source built to date. The implications are... that the image was formed by a burst of UV energy so intense it could only have been supernatural." Various religions across the world have their own stories of death and resurrection, of humans disappearing and reappearing always with the accompanying of blinding flashes of light, thunder, etc. Does some form of alien advanced technology exist that could raise the dead or transport a human being from one location to another using some form of Star Trek like transporter? Think for a moment about an alien machine which could scan or transport a human body into a system and turning the body from matter to energy in an instant. The energy used to perform this would be so intense it could burn the image of its targeted subject, Jesus, onto cloth. 

Another example of possible advanced technology in the bible is the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. How do two cities, realistically, get wiped off the face of the Earth? The inhabitants of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may know the answer. It is stated that two angels (aliens) came into the town of Sodom and Gomorrah to warn the residents of the coming destruction by stating in Genesis 19:17 "'...Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." In 19:24 they go on to say that, "'... the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven." In 19:26 it is descibed that Lots wife stopped and looked back at the city suddenly becoming a pillar of salt as the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a great furnace. 19:30 states how Lot hid in his cave with his daughters to escape the destruction. If you look at this event from a modern point of view it appears to become clear what the author in Genesis was referring to. The angels apparantly directed Lot and his family to save their lives by running to the mountain. In modern day we know that a land mass can protect you from a nuclear blast. The cities were then described as being 'consumed' with 'brimstone and fire.' This is a very fitting description of a nuclear blast. The musroom cloud produced by the blast could be the meaning of 'went up as the smoke of a furnace.' Lot's wife did not make it because when she stopped to look back she found herself caught up in the blast. The 'pillar of salt' could have come from finding her body later and discovering that the effects the radiation may have had on her body. This event to me sounds peculiarly similar to a nuclear attack. 

The creation of man is another instance where alien technology may have been described in the bible. In Genesis 1:26 God said "Let US make man in OUR own image, after OUR likeness.." Notice the use of the plural us and our in this statement and it becomes apparant that the creation of Adam and Eve was not performed by a singular entity but by a group of entities. This was an apparent cloning operation that was observed by a primitive human who did not understand the technology that was being presented to him. First, one of the aliens caused Adam to fall into a 'deep sleep.' This was the anesthesia that was used in the 'surgery'. Secondly, the rib area was opened up and a cell was taken from the body. Afterwards they 'closed up the flesh'  describing the completion of the operation.

The parting of the Red Sea would be another example of advanced technology being described in the bible. Before the Red Sea had been parted there apparently were two UFOs leading the people out of Egypt. Exodus 13/21 states that, "...the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them away; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.' Were these objects in the sky following along with these people actually spacecraft?  The thrusters from the rockets would most certainly create billowing smoke in sunlight. (space shuttle) But, at night, the flames from the propulsion systems would be what was mainly visible. These chariots in the air

could have held back the waters of the Red Sea with force fields. I know force fields seem a bit odd and you may say they don't exist but the earth's gravity is basically a force field protecting our planet. There are gravitational fields, electric fields, magnetic fields, etc. All are force fields of some kind and they are all reality not fantasy so to say that force fields do not exist would be to deny the reality that science has proven to be true over and over again. Could some form of magnetic force field have caused the parting of the Red Sea? Exodus 14/22 states that, '... the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon dry ground: and the waters were a wall (on either side).' Once the people had crossed safely the aliens (or God) turned off the force field at the proper time to allow the waters to return and cover the chariots' of the Egyptians who were in pursuit.  

The Ark of the Covenant could be yet another example. In Exodus, Moses was given instructions to build the Ark of the Covenant. The inventive genius, Nikola Tesla concluded, that the ark must have contained within it a very powerful 'condenser.' which created intense vibrations that could even smash solid stone. The Israelites carried this device into battle with them and won wars with it. The story of Jericho as told in the Book of Joshua speaks of a city who's stone walls were over ten feet thick. What could possibly have brought down such massive walls? According to the Old Testament the Ark of the Covenant was there and was responsible for 'tumbling down' the walls of Jericho. There are a number of references to this event which alwasy seemed to be accompanied by a great shout. I Samuel 15:5 stated that, "when the Ark of the Conevavt of the Lord came into camp all Israel shouted with a great shout..." II Samuel 6:6-7 talk about a man named Uzzah who disregarded warnings in regards to touching the Ark and was electrocuted. When Uzzah put his hand on the Ark the oxen shook and the anger of the Lord was kindled against him. God, or the alien creators of the Ark, killed him and he died beside the ark. A man then attempted to place it back on the ox drawn cart and he was killed as well. Does this lead us to the conclusion that there could have been high voltage in use where the Ark of the Covenant was concerned?

Jonah and the whale is a far fetched story. How would you expect any human being to be swallowed by a great fish and live there in his belly for three days and three nights? Its not so difficult to understand this concept if you think of the great fish as a submarine. The prophets would have known absolutely nothing about the technology of a submarine so the most accurate description that they could use in their writings was to decribe it as a great fish. 

Looking at the Book of Exodus, Moses' encounter with aliens is described in the third chapter when 'God" spoke to him from the burning bush and gave Moses the mission to liberate the Hebrews. Moses did not have the techological knowledge that we have today so he described his envounter the best way he could but could it be possible that this burning bush could have been some form of unamanned sphere? 

In the ninth century BC, the prophet Elijah spoke of many encounters with God. In Elijah’s final encounter with God the prophet “goes up by a whirlwind” into Heaven by what’s described in the Hebrew Bible as a fiery horse-drawn chariot. Elijah tells us about a spinning object with something that was described as a “beam” that

takes him into the “Heavens” . For the faithful,  this extraordinary event is believed to be a religious miracle.Today we can easily place this encounter with “God” as a UFO encounter. We can compare the experience Elijah describes and connect it easily to the description of today’s rockets and Space Ships. What we have here is a description of a Extraterrestrial encounter. 

In Jesus day the impregnation of a virgin would have been an impossibility. How was it that a woman who had never had sexual intercourse became pregnant with the man who was to be called the Messiah? In todays day and age we are perfectly familiar with the processes of artificial insemination and invitro fertilization. Our understanding of science and technology allows us to not only understand the process but also  to actually perform the procedure that was once considered a divine miracle. Could Mary have been artificially inseminated by an alien race? Could Jesus possibly be an alien/human hybrid? 

Was the Star of Bethlehem actually a UFO that guided the three wise men to their desination? This is yet another example that we tend to look at when talking about alien intervention in Jesus 's time. The book of Matthew states, "..."Lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was". This seems to me to be an odd way for a star to behave. We know now that stars can do many things such as collapsing, exploding and spinning. But there is not a star in the heavens that can visibly move itself across the sky until it was over one particular spot and then suddenly just stop.  

Elijah was supposedly carried into heaven by a whirlwind. We know from Ezekial 1:4 that the same object that took Elijah into the heavens was the same object written about. " And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst therof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire..." Once again this sounds like an encounter with an alien spacecraft misrepresented as a divine meeting. Was Elijah a victim of alien abduction? 


Most Notable Encounters and Evidence 

Starchild Skull

The Starchild skull was found roughly 80 years ago in a cave in Mexico. The skeleton was small and had a very oddly shaped head. In the 1990s the skull came into the possession of Ray and Melanie Young from El Paso. They very quickly realized that the anomalies on the skull were NOT the result of any condition known to man. The most obvious anomoly noticed was that this strange skull showed no sign of having frontal sinuses. This was of course odd considering the fact that all human beings are born with these features. In 2003 DNA testing was finally done a skull fragment of the Starchild. During the initial phase of testing they noted that the skull was much thinner than a humans but yet at the same time it was nearly twice as strong. Upon a microscopic examination it was noticed to have interwoven fibres not unlike the rebar beaneath a concrete deck. When testing was finally complete it showed unbelievable results. The mother of the child was indeed a human being but the father of the child was not. The DNA failed every know marker for humans. This could only mean one thing. The star child was an alien/human hybrid. 

Christopher Columbus UFO Sighting

In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed across to America on the Santa Maria. He witnessed an unidentified flying object in the sky. He saw “a light glimmering at a great distance” and made note of it in his Captains log. He wrote that it dissappeared and reappeared all through the night. He recorded that he witnessed this object as it "vanished and reappeared, flew up, down, east and west in sudden passing gleams."  

The Battle of Los Angeles

In February of 1942 in Los Angeles a UFO was detected and the military immediately fired hundreds of rounds of ammunition in an attempt to shoot the unidentified aircraft down. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared and later a Californian official stated that "the aircraft which caused the blackout in Los Angeles for several hours have not yet been identified." 

The Chicago O’Hare UFO Sighting

On November 7th 2006 at 4:40 in the morning th authorities at Chicago's O'Hare airport received word that twelve employees were seeing a metallic disc shaped object hovering over one of the gates. After hovering there momentarily it shot off, disappearing with such speed that it apparantly left a hole in the clouds above them. A writer for the Tribune later stated that "the disc was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it.” He goes on to say that “there really is this universal feeling that the government knows more than it’s willing to tell,” and “the FAA’s weather phenomenon explanation just doesn’t wash”.  

The Lubbock Lights. 

In 1951 a formation of lights appeared over Lubbock, TX  It waspotted by three professors from Texas Technical College as well as being photographed by one of the students, The story became so popular that it was written about in a 1952 article in Life magazine.  

Washington DC Incident

In 1952 seven objects appeared on an air traffic controllers radar over Washington DC. Witnesses said thet the objects moved in a very unusual flight pattern and appeared in the sky as bright orange lights. These sighting occured over consecutive weekends, evetually moving to hover over the White House. This incident prompted President Truman to demand an explanation of these events. No explanation hs yet been issued. 

Roswell, New Mexico

The most famous UFO case occured in Roswell, NM in 1947. Recovered debris from from a crashed alien vessel was supposedly confiscated by the government in one of the largest cover-up operations ever performed. This heralded the start of the biggest UFO controversy in US history. Some even claim that alien life forms were found in the wreckage and taken to area 51 in the desert for examination by the US government. 

Kenneth Arnold case of 1947

Kenneth Arnold's story coined the phrase 'flying saucer'. The American businessman and pilot claimed he'd seen nine saucer-like objects flying in a chain near Mount Rainier in Washington. 

The Hill Abduction, 1961

In 1961, Barney and Betty Hill from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, reported that they had been kidnapped by aliens. According to the couple, they had been followed by a flying saucer while driving in their car, abducted and then subjected to an intimate physical examination. They also recall observing a 3D 'star map' inside the ship. Even under hypnosis, the Hill's maintained their story and aroused massive interest and publicity. 

Rendlesham Forest Lights, 1980

One of the UK's most famous UFO events involved the sighting of several unexplained lights near Royal Air Force bases at Rendlesham Forest.  The witnesses were on-duty servicemen which gave the reports some credibility. Requests for more information on this event are still being made under the umbrella of the Freedom of Information Act. 

Shag Harbour, 1967

The navy was brought in in after a large, unidentified object crashed into Shag Harbour in Nova Scotia. After a thorough investigation by the Canadian Department of Defense a clear answer could not be reached as to what this object was.

Westall encounter, 1966

A UFO was  witnessed by more than 200 students and teachers at two schools in Westall, Melbourne. The UFO was said to have descended into a field before taking off over the houses in a local suburb. To this day the witnesses contunue of this event still gather to discuss and relive that extraordinary moment. 

Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting, 1964

Lonnie Zamora was a New Mexico police officer who reported seeing an enormous, bluish-orange flame in the sky just south of Socorro.The flame was accompanied by a deafening sound  Zamora stated that he saw an odd, doughnut-shaped silver machine accompanied by two white-clad individuals. Zamora's provided quite a detailed testimony that it persuaded the US Air Force to take the massive number of UFO sightings more seriously.

São Paulo sighting, 1986

Military aircraft were sent to intercept around 20 UFOs detected by radar in many different areas of São Paulo, Brazil. Once the military began its pursuit of these objects they reportedly disappeared.. 

Jimmy Carter sighting, 1969

 Jimmy Carter filed an official report in 1973 stating that four years earlier he had seen a strange white light in the night sky. He watched it as it change from white to blue, and then to red before fading off into the distance. 

Belgium UFO sightings

Between 1989 and 1990, about 13,500 people were said to have observed large, low-flying black triangles in the skies above Belgium, The frequently-photographed object was inevestigated by Belgium's military, tracked by NATO radar as well as jet interceptors. 

Yeni Kent Compound, 2008

One night one of the guard at the Yeni Kent Compound in Turkey was said to have  videotaped a number of UFO sightings which occured over a four month period. His statements were backed by other witnesses and the Sirius UFO Space Research Center made the statement that the videos of this incident were“most important images of a UFO ever filmed. 

Captain William Schaffner incident, 1970

 In 1970 radar picked up an unidentified flying object over the North Sea. Pilots immediately tried to make contact. Captain William Schaffner piloted one the jets and said he intercepted a 'conical object'.  All contact with him was lost immediately after his broadcast.. Three months later his plane was discovered undamaged lying on the seabed. His body was never recovered.  


Aliens Depicted in Prehistoric Cave Paintings 

Aliens In Medievil/Renaissance Art 

Aliens in Modern Times 




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