ANUNNAKI - - Anunnaki Executed Marsbase Commander


Anunnaki Executed Marsbase Commander (380,000 BCE)

by Enki January 15, 2019 0 comment

by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)


Anzu, head of the Alalu clan and Marbase Commander 

Eight to twelve foot-tall Homo Sapiens like us—the Anunnaki—mounted a gold mining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, some 440,000 years ago.  They mined gold in southeast Africa, shipped it in submersible boats up the Persian Gulf and flew it from Iraq and Lebanon to their transshipment and astronaut (Igigi) base on Mars near Cyndonia. 

Anzu, leader of the lineage of deposed Nibiran King Alalu, ruled 300 shuttle-service astronauts on Marsbase as well as those in orbit above Iraq. His men, the Igigi, rocketed to Sippar and loaded gold and returning workers from Sippar to Mars and from Mars to Nibiru and flew replacements and supplies back to Earth every 3,600 years or so. 

On Nibiru, scientists powdered and spread the gold into the sky to hold Nibiru’s atmosphere.  

On Earth, the Anunnaki toiled, of work and sustenance they were complaining.  The elixir they only small rations were given.  In the Edin [Sumer-Iraq] they toiled, in Africa, their work was more backbreaking.

“By teams were Anunnaki sent back to Nibiru, by teams were new ones arriving. “The Igigi, on Mars dwelling, were the loudest in complaining.” [ZS, Enki: 117 -118; Time: 232]

Anzu and the Igigi demanded that Commander Enlil better their work-conditions, issue more elixir and build a recreation center on Earth.  Anu, from Nibiru, ordered Anzu to Earth to talk with Enlil.  The King told Enlil to show Anzu everything.

Enlil-Yahweh, Commander, Earth 

Enki, however, told Enlil to show the gold mining, refining, and transport system to Anzu.  “Get Anzu to keep his men on the job.”  

So Enlil told Anzu, “Let’s cover ourselves with sterile clothes for the restricted area.”

But when Enlil stripped, Anzu stole his keys, slipped into the control room and seized the crystals [computers] that ran Sumer’s spaceport and cities. 

Anzu forced pilot Abgal, Chief of the Landing Platform at Lebanon, to take him to Shurupak the spaceport.  There, Anzu”s men—the “Martians” who invaded–declared Anzu King of Earth and Mars.  Anzu turned off vital services at headquarters (Nibru-ki), cut Earth-Nibiru communications, and, from his aircraft, buzzed Enlilite positions. 

Enlil’s son Ninurta launched his jet and shot Anzu down.

Cuneiform tablet depicts Ninurta, on the right, flying (ie winged) at Anzu. 

Ninurta took Anzu before Enlil. 

The Seven Who Judge–Enki, Damkina, Marduk, Nannar, Enlil, Ninmah and Ninurta “found Anzu guilty of treason. Ninurta killed him with a ray gun 

Ninuta executed Anzu 

Enlil put Enki’s son Marduk (Satan) in charge of Marsbase and ordered him to display Anzu’s body on Mars, then bury him there; let the astronauts see that Ninurta kills rebels. [ZS, Wars: 95 -102, 124–Drawing of cylinder seal VA/243, Berlin Museum] 

Ninurta, now Enlil’s “Foremost Warrior,” enforced Enlil’s rules to extract, process and send gold to Nibiru.

To assure Nannar and the Enkiites obeyed Ninurta, Enlil gave Ninurta the IB missile, “a weapon with fifty killing heads.”

Enlil and Ninurta could now, with unmatched firepower from the multi-headed missiles, intimidate even the Nibirans working the African mines for Enki. [ZS, 12th Planet: 107 -116; Wars: 95 -102]


Prince Marduk, grandson of Anu, King of the planet Nibiru planned to wrest control of both the planet Nibiru–Marduk’s home planet and Earth, where he now fumed and plotted.

Marduk avoided openly defying King Anu, but Anu’d stolen Marduk’s destiny. Marduk believed it was he, not Anu, who should’ve taken Nibiran’s Throne after Alalu died.

Anu, the oath-breaker in Marduk’s version of history, had sworn to let Marduk follow Alalu to the Throne.  Anu had agreed that his son, Enki, Alalu’s daughter Damkina would bind Nibiru’s two most powerful lines of royalty in the son they’d produce.  I’m the prince whose pedigree beats all others.  I shall rule, he swore. Today, the Earth; tomorrow, Nibiru.

Marduk’s father Enki, Chief Scientist for the gold mining expedition from the planet Nibiru–the Anunnaki–to Earth, brought Marduk and Damkina from Nibiru to his villa at Basara (Eridu, in Edin-Sumer).

Enlil, the Expedition Commander, and now Anu’s heir sent Marduk to Mars. There, Marduk, as Enlil ordered, displayed the body of Anzu, who’d led the Marbase astronaut (Igigi) revolt against Enlil.

Enlil gave Marduk Anzu’s job as Marbase Commander. Marduk ran the base, the Earth-Mars Shuttle Service and the Hovering Station over the gold refinery in Iraq. On Mars, Marduk teamed up with Shamgaz, the lead Astronaut and won 300 Igigi allies. He had, then almost as many Anunnaki allied with him against Enlil and his warrior sons Ninurta and Adad.


Dr Sasha Lessin - Anzu

Chris Turner Films

Jul 2, 2014

An excerpt from my new documentary 'Anunnaki - Origins of Man', currently in production. Featured here is Dr Sasha Lessin discussing pilot Anzu.




 MARDUK: ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio), explores how Marduk, Our secret Anunnaki ruler, says he’ll make amends for the suffering he caused.

 Anu, legal successor to planet Nibiru King Lahma, signed a treaty with King Alalu who slew Lahma.

 Anu quit as Lahma’s successor and agreed to let his and Alalu’s grandson Marduk succeed Alalu. Anu however reneged. He abrogated the treaty, deposed Alalu and denied Marduk Nibiru’s Crown.

 Marduk rocketed to Earth where he joined his father Enki, Chief Scientist, Earth Goldmining Expedition (the Anunnaki).

 Marduk didn’t rule Nibiru; he only, for a while, ruled the Astronaut Corps (Igigi) on Mars.

  He wed a Hybrid (Sarpanit) whose ancestors his dad created. He built Babylon for both Anunnaki and Hybrids in Iraq.

  Marduk backed the Igigi after they abducted hybrid women following his wedding. He helped settle them on Earth. The Igigi and the lineages they bred with the slave-women, allied with him, settled in Jerico, Canaan and Egypt. 

In 3450 BCE Anunnaki Commander Enlil-Yahweh had his son Ninurta bomb Marduk’s Babylon. 

In 2924 BCE Ninurta nuked the Expedition’s Sinai Spaceport to deny it to Marduk. Marduk’s brother Nergal bombed Sodom, Gomorra and the Salt Sea’s south bank to kill Marduk’s son Nabu. 

To Enlil’s shock, a radioactive storm blew from the bombs he’d ordered dropped and also killed his Sumerian Earthlings. Enlil left Earth rule to Marduk. 



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