by Enki March 12, 2014 2 comments

Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interviewed Gerald Clark on Sunday, March 9, 2014 on Revolution Radio (, Studio B from 8 to 10 PM, Eastern time.  Youtube has deleted this controversial audio, but below we reprint some of what Clark, author of The Anunnaki of Nibiru, discusses humanity’s forgotten creators, the architects of the New Word Order.  

Clark told Dr. Sasha and Janet Kira Lessin that Anunnaki (ETs) from the planet Nibiru used genes from an Earthling humanoid already on Earth to adapt the Nibiran genome to Earth.  

Clark says the genetic, chemical, debt, war, trade and frequency modulation techniques the Nibirans (and today’s secret rulers they left in charge) keep us enslaved.

Clark shows that although the Annunaki themselves prayed to “The Maker of All Things” (the Supreme Being) and that Enki programmed us to reach enlightenment.  But, says Clark, the Annunaki and the governments they control overrode the ascendance-drive with radio frequencies that block our enlightenment while Yahweh (Enlil) and his foremost Warrior Ninurta (Apollo) seek to destroy us. 

Clark sees Jesus as an embodiment of Thoth, dedicated to overthrowing the religious enslavement and destruction pushed by Yahweh-Enlil and Allah-Nannar. 

Clark says “Jesus was the son of Enki aka “God” in the literal translation of Genesis who was also known as Poseidon/Neptune (the sign of the fish) and “constructed” the “Adapas” in the image of the Annunaki by using the blood of young astronaut who was sacrificed

“The Annunaki were aware of ‘The Maker of All Things‘ aka the Supreme Being and that Enki programmed us to be able to reach the state of enlightenment. 

Clark says, “Billions of primitive workers, left to fend for themselves on a hostile planet, to find hope that following the great destruction underway, wrought by the warring gods of Light and Dark, a promised peace in the new age of Aquarius is dawning, actually already upon us.

“Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have now come to light. Access to texts such as The Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the Bible and Qu’ran, merits rethinking Western civilization’s origins and intent.

“U.S. public school history ignores the Sumerians, although they are credited with all aspects of modern civilization, influencing both Egypt and Greece alike. Television series produced by the History Channel, like the “Ancient Aliens” Series is assisting the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a myth, having left physical documents and artifacts.” backing up their claims to have created mankind, described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis. 

Clark sees Jesus as an embodiment of Thoth, dedicated to overthrowing the religious enslavement and destruction pushed by Yahweh-Enlil and Allah-Nannar.

The Anunnaki of Nibiru

“It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker, namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of.  Many of the Niburans, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia.

“Look into the religious and historical origins for the kings and demigods of Sumer, the first culture to provide evidence of the cuneiform script language, complete with no antecedent. Not only were mundane records, detailed as they were, kept on clay tablets, tens of thousands of which survive to this day, but the history and direct experience accounts of some of the famed inhabitants, like king Gilgamesh of Uruk, introduce us to “Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.”

“The Anunnaki astronauts hailed from a planet, Nibiru, in our own solar system, whose apogee resides in a 3,600 retrograde elliptical orbit beyond Pluto. According to their records, likely using spectroscopy as scientists do today, they located gold on planet Earth. Due to a failing atmosphere on Nibiru, Anu their king, dispatched his preeminent scientist and first-born son, Enki, on a space mission to Earth to recover enough gold that could be ionized in a layer of their atmosphere, as a solar radiation shield.

“Anunnaki gold mines in Africa have been found and carbon dated. Mining operations were occurring at the exact time and location that the “Genetic Eve Study” indicates: Womankind’s genetic origins are undeniably linked to Enki’s gold mining operation. Egyptian Queen Sheba’s mines ring a bell? Michael Tellinger followed the Sumerian account to Africa, locating many of the mines, homes, and temples used by the primitive workers and gods, our true ancestors.

“Consider your place in the unfolding New World Order. Will you choose the Enlilites or Enkiites to affiliate with, or do you have a choice?”

Clark tells 1. How the Annunaki were able to control the Minds of Homo Sapiens Sapiens with the right combinations of radio frequencies and 2. How all Earthling Human Beings are kept from obtaining enlightenment or as the author writes – consciousness evolution by the Annunaki controlled governments. Read Zeus/Enlil and his foremost Warrior Apollo/Ninurta seek to destroy all Earthlings!

Clark says Jesus was the son of Enki aka “God” in the literal translation of Genesis who was also known as Poseidon/Neptune (the sign of the fish) and “constructed” the “Adapas” in the image of the Annunaki by using the blood of young astronaut that was sacrificed. Clark reminds the reader Annunaki were aware of “The Maker of All Things” aka the Supreme Being and that Enki programmed us to be able to reach the state of enlightenment. 

Gerald Clark holds an MSEE in Electronic Circuits and Systems and a BS in Computer Engineering from UCSD.  Gerald’s business travels took him to various parts of the world exposing him to cultures that acted as a catalyst for his research into the cultures of Mesopotamia, Turkey, Egypt, Persia, and Iraq, leading to the cuneiform-inscribed tablets left by the Sumerians.

Gerald Clark

References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence



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