ANUNNAKI - - Anunnaki Goldminers from Planet Nibiru Buillt BAALBEK, Lebanon

Anunnaki Goldminers from Planet Nibiru Built BAALBEK, Lebanon, 400,000 Years Ago as a Launch Tower & Landing Platform

by Enki August 25, 2017 0 comment

Baalbek reconstructed 

Stones quarried several miles from Platfrorm moved to Baalbek and fitted precisely. Here, people stand with a partially quarried stone prepared for Baalbek.

Goldminers from the planet Nibiru (the Anunnaki) said they came to Earth some 400,000+ years ago and built Baalbek, a rocket launching tower and landing place in Lebanon.  Baalbek (Place of Lord [=Baal] of the Valley [Bekka]) gave the goldminers an unblocked view of the entire Bekka valley.  “At Baalbek arriving rocketships landed on the stone platform adjoining the launch tower; then they would be put in place [probably  by sonar technology] within Baalbek’s massive stone enclosure, ready for launching.”[Chronicles: 162, 177-178]

At Baalbek, Nibirans built a launch tower (shown on coin at left) for the goldmining expedition, “on a vast horizontal platform, artificially created 4,000 feet above sea level, surrounded by a wall.     

   The enclosed squarish area, 2,500 feet long, over five million square feet, was built before the Flood” [13,000 years ago].

Baalbek’s stones were “held together without mortar, rising stage after stage, to incredible heights from a vast stone platform. The massive stones formed an enclosure that surrounded a cavity, a hollow within which stood the rocket about to be launched. The encompassing walls were multileveled, rising in stages to enable servicing the rocketship, its payload, [&] a command module.

Baalbek included “stone blocks of incredible size, precisely cut and placed, including three colossal stone blocks that are the largest in the world, the Trilthon. The stone blocks that make up the Trilithon weigh more than 1,100 tons each and are placed upon older immense stone blocks, over sixty feet long with sides of fourteen to twelve feet, cut to have a slanting face that weighs 500 tons each.

There is even now no man-made machine, no crane, vehicle or mechanism that can lift such a weight of 1,000 to 1,200 tons–to say nothing of carrying such an immense object over valley and mountainside and placing each slab in its precise position, many feet above the ground. There are no traces of any roadway, causeway, ramp or other earthworks that could suggest hauling these megaliths from their quarry, several miles away.”

Nibirans “not only lifted and placed such colossal stone blocks but also carried them from a quarry several miles away. The quarry has been located and in it one of those colossal stone blocks had not been completed, still lies partly attached to the native rock; its size exceeds the Trilithon blocks.

Baalbek as Landing Platform

“Baalbek was incorporated into the post-Deluvian Landing Corridor of the Anunnaki when they planned the planning of a spaceport in the Sinai to replace the one in Mesopotamia wiped out by the Deluge. They ran a line from the peaks of Ararat through Baalbek and extended it to Giza, where they built the pyramids.

They placed the Great Pyramid and the anchor in Sinai that in the end delineated the Landing Corridor equidistant from Baalbek.”

“The stone blocks that comprise the platform are “so tightly put together that no has been able to penetrate it and study the chambers, tunnels, caverns and substructures hidden beneath,” though Arabs did penetrate a “460-feet long tunnel at the southeast corner of the platform.” They proceeded through “a long vaulted passage like a railway tunnel under the great in total darkness broken by green lights from puzzling ‘laced windows.” [Stairway: 168 – 176; Expeditions: 166 -179]

The Anunnaki incorporated Baalbek “into the post-Diluvial Landing Corridor” as they planned “a spaceport in the Sinai to replace the one in Mesopotamia wiped out by the Deluge.”  They ran “a line from the peaks of Ararat through Baalbek and extending it to Giza where the pyramids were to be built.”  The Giza Pyramid “and the Sinai delineated the Landing Corridor were equidistant from Baalbek.”

Gilgamesh, King of Uruk in southern Iraq, witnessed and described a rocket launch from Baalbek.


After the Anunnaki and other ET builders employed tools with drilling and cutting capacities beyond any we yet possess (unless our clandestine military has such tools) they pushed the stones into place from their craft or by a 3-foot long sonar device shaped like an ice cream cone.  They took stones from the size airplanes to the size automobiles to make landing platforms, metallurgy facilities, power-generating pyramids, observatories, palaces,  statues, roads, walls, cities and, in the south of Africa, millions of miles of electronic conveyance lanes.  

The builders choose granite rocks with lots of quartz crystal and iron sensitive to electricity.  After they extracted the rocks, the builders  ran electricity into them which the iron conveys and which “makes the granite-crystal, briefly weightless.”   The blocks are then moved effortlessly through the air, perhaps with high tech pusher beams of energy from aircraft.  “Gigantic blocks of granite could be moved with little effort, no matter how much they weigh when not having a powerful electric charge put on them.” [Childress, 2013: 303 -304, Temples: 79]

Some of the stones of 100 and more tons at Earth’s sites dating back tens of thousands of years feature stones quarried miles away from the sites.  The quarries exhibit hollows where the stones were cut from the earth; The quarries contain finished but abandoned stones too.


Next Episode: MARDUK RULES–Anunnaki Tablets, Part 14


Ancient Aliens: Sky God Landing Pad in Baalbek (Season 8) | History


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There is a stone platform underneath ancient Greek and Roman ruins that ancient astronaut theorists believe was used as a platform to launch extraterrestrial aircraft in this clip from Season 8, "Mysterious Structures". #AncientAliens Subscribe for more from Ancient Aliens and other great HISTORY shows: Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site: Check out exclusive HISTORY content: History Newsletter: Website - Facebook - Twitter - HISTORY® is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history in an informative, immersive, and entertaining manner across all platforms. The network’s all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming.





Ancient Astronaut Archive

Sep 2, 2016

Ancient ruins around the world have withstood the test of time and remain standing for academics and laymen alike to ponder and study. Many of the methods used to create these ancient cities, temples, and monuments remain rather mysterious and unexplained. The Archive’s Unexplained Structures Series endeavors to acquaint the viewer with these locations and present some of the potential alternative explanations for their existence. Approximately 86 kilometers northeast of the city of Beirut in eastern Lebanon stands the temple complex of Baalbek. Situated atop a high point in the fertile Beqaa valley, the ruins are one of the most extraordinary and enigmatic holy places of ancient times. Long before the Romans conquered the site and built their enormous temple of Jupiter, long even before the Phoenicians constructed a temple to the god Baal, there stood at Baalbek the largest stone block construction found in the entire world. Thank you for viewing this presentation. The Archive appreciates your time and encourages you to explore our channel. Help support our channel and receive exclusive bonuses! Patreon Supporters: Archive YouTube Memberships: Subscribe here: Website: Facebook:





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